Lost Springs
Lost Springs correspondent
(785) 965-7169
Fred and Marguerite Utech accompanied Junior and Jeanetta Hanschu to Hillsboro June 11 to watch Jakob Hanschu play baseball.
James Weber swathed my alfalfa June 7 and baled it June 10.
Kelby and Rita Schawe of Wichita spent June 6 with Alex and Jean Stuchlik. That night all four of them went to St. Mark's Activity Center, Marion, for the grilled supper and fun night. Alex's band played a couple of numbers.
Bob Reznicek was a June 3 luncheon guest of Charles and Mary Loewen, Hillsboro. Additional guests were Jeremy and Dionne Loewen of Westmoreland and Josie Loewen of Oklahoma City, Okla.
Douglas Strecker and Matthew Jarrell of Hesston, Clark Strecker and Tailer and a friend, Shilah Marion of Wichita were my June 9 dinner guests. Douglas worked some ground, Matthew mowed my lawn, Clark did some spraying. The girls helped and visited with Grandma.
Saturday afternoon guests of Irma Reznicek at St. Luke Living Center were Betty Stroda of Herington, Mary Debell and Tess Rose of Lakeland, Colo., Margie Sobeczynsky and daughter, Katy of Stilwell, and Ashley Stika, Moundridge.
Paul and Raelene Hajek drove to Goodland Monday to visit Jon and Lynette McClean, Cade, Maggie, and Josie. They watched Cade and Maggie play ball. Josie came home with Grandma and Grandpa to spend a week.
Helen Reznicek picked up Irma Reznicek Sunday afternoon and took her to a bridal shower in honor of Tess Rose at Golden Age Center in Herington.
Raelene Hajek visited her mother-in-law, Mildred Hajek Sunday at St. Luke Living Center.
Tom Reznicek of Lawrence visited his mother, Irma Reznicek June 8-9. He also helped his brother Bob with field work during the day.
My son Douglas is here today (June 13) to plant some milo and have dinner with me.
Lori Torline, Megan, Carolyn, and Matthew of Derby picked up Irma Reznicek Monday and they spent the day with Charles and Mary Loewen, Hillsboro.
Raelene Hajek said she was taking her granddaughter, Josie to Marion today to visit great-grandma, Mildred Hajek at St. Luke Living Center.
I received an invitation to celebrate Elsie Stofer's 90th birthday Aug. 3-5. If any of her relatives would like to mail cards, her address is HC 70, Box 87, Bonner MT 59823. Her parents were William and Louise Bezdek.