Peabody municipal court
The following information has been filed in Peabody Municipal Court:
Chuck Knight, Moundridge, speed; fine and costs, $181.
Shannon Meyer, Fort Riley, speed; fine and costs, $185.
Melissa Zeiler, Herington, speed; fine and costs, $181.
Aprylle Smyser, Florence, disobeying stop sign; fine and costs, $202.
Lacie Litke, Council Grove, speed; fine and costs, $165.
Cory Weems, La Crosse, Wis., speed; fine and costs, $209.
Richard Ward, Leavenworth, speed; fine and costs, $275.
David McQueen, Hutchinson, speed; fine and costs, $165.
Robert Starnes, Manhattan, speed; fine and costs, $173.
Jennifer Stark, Wichita, speed; fine and costs, $289.
Alan Hatton, Peabody, illegal tag, driving while license suspended, no proof of liability insurance; fine and costs, $1,185.
Christopher Litton, Peabody, two counts of inoperable vehicle; fine and costs, $185.
John Severe, Wichita, speed; fine and costs, $281.
Corlyce Barth, Odessa, Texas, speed; fine and costs, $281.