Play by the rules

Several Your Turn comments have come across my desk the past couple of weeks that haven't been printed. I've gotten inquiries from the writers about why their comments were left out.

Being the editor, I have the difficult job of deciding what gets published in the Your Turn section. I have to decide if comments overstep the boundaries of good taste. I also have to decide when to say "enough is enough."

The issue concerning the city council and the reappointment of the administrator is a done deal. The decision has been made and as was pointed out a couple of weeks ago, it's time to let it go and move on. So, there won't be any more Your Turn comments about this subject unless a new issue or concern arises.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between a public official and a private individual. So those of you who thought you could attack individual employees of the newspaper and their families through the Your Turn column — it's not gonna happen.

We're not public officials. We aren't paid with taxpayers' money. We're a private business. That means our employees enjoy the same rights and freedoms as other citizens in town.

Let this serve as a reminder to all Your Turn writers to keep your comments brief, keep them constructive and tasteful, and don't attack private individuals.

