

To be held on the Hospital Lawn, Starting at 3:00 p.m.


PRELUDE — Sacred Heart College and Academy — All Girl Band. Directress — Sister M. Salome, Ad.P.P.S.

STAR SPANGLED BANNER — Marion High School Band. Director, Mr. Kenneth Swanson.

INVOCATION — Rev. Dean Gleason, Minister of the Methodist Church.

ADDRESS OF WELCOME — Mr. John Wheeler, Chairman of the Board.

ACCEPTANCE OF HOSPITAL FOR SISTERS — Mother M. Ventura, Ad. P.P.S., Provencial Superior.


R.R. Melton, M.D. Most Rev Mark K. Carroll, S.T.D., Bishop of Wichita Diocese.

BENEDICTION — Rev. R. Frank Mitchell, Minister of the Presbyterian Church.

CONCLUSION — "God Bless America," sung by the General Assembly present. Music by the combined bands.

Conducted tours of the hospital will be open to the public throughout the remainder of the day. The entire community is invited to attend the program and go through the hospital afterward. If you cannot attend the program, you are invited to go through the hospital anytime after 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon. In case of rain the program will be held in the Marion Gymnasium.

(The above is a copy of the printed program from the original opening of St. Luke Hospital on Oct. 18, 1952)
