Random Thoughts

Maurine Sloan Graham just sent me a book. It's called "The Prairie Tides," by Don Larsen. It is the story of his grandfather who came to Marion County in the 1900s. I remember Maurine Hawbecker. Some of you do too. She taught music here in the schools, then moved to Winfield. Don Larsen is married to her sister, Jackie. I found the book interesting.

I also have read some books on the Civil War. The writer made the soldiers and officers so real. The thought came to me that we don't appreciate those in the military as each person a distinctive human being. We think — there he is, a soldier. In reality, he is a person with feelings and thoughts. He has fears, sometimes he recalls happy times or loved ones. Is he fearing death or injury or planning his future? Even the officers are actual human beings.

I think we should show our appreciation for all they do.

I have a dear niece in California who always remembers me on Christmas. She sends rolls or some goodies. The other day I received this big, beautiful container full of ginger snaps. They are so good with a cup of coffee.

In fact, we were in California when she was born. Her father was my husband's half-brother. He was a doctor, specializing in baby deliveries. So we have a special bond. I hardly ever see her but I know she's there and she sends me good goodies.

