

Tampa correspondent

(785) 965-2285

Jan. 18-24

Kristine Jirak, Seth Jirak, Cecilia Rziha, and Julie Rziha boarded buses with 700 people from central Kansas in Wichita Thursday and went to Washington, D.C., where they joined a crowd of about 100,000 in the National March for Life. They also had the opportunity to meet with Senator Sam Brownback.

After a stay in Wesley Medical Center in Wichita from Dec. 27 to Jan. 8, Agnes Bernhardt is now in Parkside Homes in Hillsboro, Room 5. She would appreciate cards and visits from old Tampa friends. Your correspondent paid her a visit and found her looking well and showing a positive state of mind.

Ashton Smith of Pilsen and Russ and Julie Kerbs and Rustyn came to help Reuben and Lucille Kerbs shovel snow Sunday. Afterward, all shared a potluck meal. Jesse Smith was unable to come, because he was busy clearing roads.

Wayne and Shannon Rziha, Cecilia and Anthony of Tulsa, Okla., spent from Saturday to Wednesday with Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie. David and Caterina Rziha and Isabel of Atchison were additional Sunday overnight guests.

Revisiting her youth on Sunday, Mary Clemmer built a snowman in her front yard. Another icy gentleman graced the yard of Greg and Michele Berens, Reece and Addie. Driving south from Tampa, you could see a snow family in front of the Barney home. The temperatures on Wednesday make their demise imminent.

For the second weekend in a row a snowstorm has blanketed this area. Many people have been staying inside trying to keep warm. Hence, the news is somewhat skimpy again.
