Tampa correspondent
(785) 965-2285
Jan. 25-31
Aaron Herbel of Durham and Charles Stuchlik were pages for Representative Don Dahl in the Kansas legislature in Topeka Wednesday. They received a grand tour of the capitol building and got to stand at the top of the dome.
Prairie Pals met Tuesday evening at the home of Jeanne Rziha. Jeanne presented a program on "His Brain, Her Brain." The group welcomed two new members, Paula Cox and Linda Ihde. Others present were Virginia Bentz, Mary Clemmer, Iona Dietrich, Shirley Krause, Laveta Meyer, Lori Meyer, and Melissa Stuchlik. The meeting had been postponed from Jan. 23, the regular meeting date. Meetings are usually held the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Lutheran church basement. Women of the community are invited to attend. To be sure of the exact time and place call any member.
Lynn Kleiber of Salina visited his mother, Leona Kleiber, Tuesday.
Greg Sklenar was a Sunday overnight guest of his mother, Lois Sklenar.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber attended mission festival at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ramona Sunday with a potluck dinner following worship. Guest speakers were Jim and Edie Jorns, who talked about the Children's Christian Concern Society, whose main focus is building schools in underdeveloped areas of the world. In the afternoon Leona and Adeline went to Marion for the open house in celebration of Sadie Bernhardt's 95th birthday.
Tom and Dee Duggan are home from Kansas City, where Tom underwent surgery at Kansas University Medical Center. He seems to be making a good recovery.
Julie Rziha and Nikki Stenzel attended the Kansas State University band clinic Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday.
Leone Kleiber and Adeline Bernhardt attended the memorial service for Martha Ehrhardt and the luncheon following in Ramona Saturday afternoon.
Sunday dinner guests of Frank and Anna Mae Stika were Tom Moldenhauer and Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu, James and Anna. Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki stopped by after the band clinic concert.
Diane Herron, Andrew, Peter, and Maria of Topeka spent from Saturday to Tuesday with Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie.
A number of relatives and friends from here attended the funeral Saturday of James Seiler of Colwich. Seiler, who was Mary Jirak's father, died Jan. 24 after a long illness.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs met Connie Thompson, Allison and Taylor of Abilene at an Abilene restaurant Friday. Connie treated them to dinner as a belated celebration of Reuben's birthday.
Adeline Bernhardt visited Agnes Bernhardt at Parkside Homes Friday afternoon in Hillsboro.
Paul and Edna Backhus attended the Kansas Water Well Association's convention in Hutchinson Thursday and Friday.