

Tampa correspondent

(785) 965-2285

March 8-14

Sunflower Senior Citizens met Tuesday at the senior center for a potluck dinner, program, and business meeting. Kevin Hill and Jesse Brunner, candidates for the Centre school board, came to present their vision for the district and answer questions from the group. Other candidates were invited, but were unable to get time off from work to attend. Steve Jirak sent regrets and a message that he would be glad to have anyone call him with their questions or concerns. After the program, the group played card bingo. Jim and Mary Clemmer were the hosts for this month. Others present were Tom and Dee Duggan, Adeline Bernhardt, Margaret Jirak, Helen Costello, Edna Mueller, Magdalen Dvorak, Shirley Zaideman, and Jane Vajnar.

Georgia Spohn met her cousin, Lenora Graham, in Marion Wednesday morning for coffee.

Jeanne Rziha is spending a few days with Wayne and Shannon Rziha, Cecilia Marie, Anthony, and Daniel of Tulsa, Okla., and making the acquaintance of her new grandson.

Lynn and Peggy Kleiber of Salina, Andrea Kleiber, Adeline Bernhardt, and Leona Kleiber attended the Bennington junior and senior high school spring concert Tuesday evening. Nicholas Kleiber sang in the choir and played in the band. After the program all enjoyed refreshments and visiting at Lynn and Peggy's home.

Edna Mueller visited Lois Sklenar Tuesday afternoon.

Lucille Kerbs visited Duane and Shirley Hamm of Hillsboro Tuesday afternoon.

Lori Moldenhauer, Anna Weber, and Anna Mae Stika attended a band concert at White City Tuesday evening. Nikki Stenzel and James Weber played in the band. Greg Stenzel and Betty Stenzel also attended.

Georgia Spohn met Lenora Graham of Florence in Hillsboro Monday for Learning in Retirement at Tabor College and dinner out in Marion. The 60+ program was brought by Doug Miller and Jim Elliott assisted by Tabor students who took trips with interterm classes. Miller spoke about Israel and Elliott about Chicago.

Tom and Dee Duggan attended the Lions Club pancake feed at Navarre Saturday evening.

Agri Producers, Inc. held its annual meeting Saturday at the senior center with a large crowd attending.

Paul and Edna Backhus attended the funeral of Ray Kraus in Marion Saturday morning and the lunch afterward.

Randy Hamm of Overland Park was a weekend guest of his parents, Gus and Mildred Hamm. Dave and Sharon Schrag, Payden, Ross, and Lane joined them on Saturday, when all helped Lane celebrate his sixth birthday.

Nikki Stenzel competed in a forensics meet in Herington Saturday and took second in oral interpretation of poetry.

Tillie Hein and Jim and Kris Srajer, Grant and Cole were Saturday supper guests of Bill and Pamela Fillmore of Cottonwood Falls.

Frank and Anna Mae Stika were guests of Tom and Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki for a barbecue Friday evening.

A number of people from this area attended the state basketball tournament in Hutchinson last week to watch the Hillsboro women's team take first. JuliAnne Chisholm and Tina Frick were on the team. JuliAnne has been named to the all-state basketball team by the Wichita Eagle and the Topeka Capital-Journal. She is the third member of her family to play on a state championship basketball team. Her brother Chris and her sister Keli were on the Hillsboro teams which took state in 1995. Her other two siblings, Kara and Steven both played in the state tournament also.

Dee Duggan brought Kaylee Hall of Herington to Tampa Friday evening. She was an overnight guest of the Duggans, and Tom took her to her dance lesson Saturday morning.

World Day of Prayer was celebrated Thursday evening at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ramona. Those from the Tampa church attending were Joyce Medley, Loretta Sutton, Adeline Bernhardt, Lucille Kerbs, Edna Backhus, Gertie Monnich, Cindy Bentz, Betty Mueller, Edna Mueller, and Pastor Clark and Kathy Davis.

Eleanor Herbel, Autumn Chisholm, and Jane Vajnar attended a meeting of King's Daughters at the Durham Baptist church Thursday evening. Eleanor and Christine Herbel were hostesses. Autumn gave a devotion. Kay Carlson led the lesson on concentric circles of witnessing. Frances Unruh presented a mission study on Sig and Grace Schuster, missionaries to Russia.

The Shady Ladies chapter of the Red Hat Society enjoyed lunch at the Hilltop community center in Herington Thursday. Members present were Dee Duggan and Adeline Bernhardt of Tampa, Joyce Cox of Abilene, Ramona Goracke and Betty Schlesener of Hope, Barbara Askew, Phyllis Allen, Alice Bell, Rose Mary Deines, Rhea Kolling, and Helen Sorenson of Herington. Deb Hall of Herington joined them as a guest.

March 1-7

Jerry and Jeanne Rziha are the proud grandparents of Daniel Joseph Rziha, born March 7 to Wayne and Shannon Rziha of Tulsa, Okla. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. His other grandmother is Jean Brill of Cashion, Okla. Gertrude Rziha of Great Bend and Bonnie Haslouer of Abilene are the paternal great-grandmothers.

Tom and Dee Duggan went to Hutchinson Wednesday to visit Carolyn Duggan at Hutchinson Hospital.

FFA district officers were selected Tuesday, and three of the six officers are from Centre: Nellie Hill, president; Kristine Jirak, secretary; and Julie Rziha, reporter.

A good crowd attended the fun night at the senior center Sunday evening. This will be the last of these Tampa Community Association-sponsored events this season.

Tom and Dee Duggan, Adeline Bernhardt, and Jane Vajnar attended the American Association of Retired People driving school at the Marion Senior Center Monday and Tuesday.

Georgia Spohn met Lenora Graham of Florence in Hillsboro Monday. They attended the Learning in Retirement program at Tabor College and then enjoyed dinner out in Marion. The 60+ program was presented by Diane Classen of Quilts and Quiltracks and Paula Hayen of Clay Works.

Martha Melcher and Tillie Hein enjoyed dinner out in Herington after church Sunday and then attended the reception for Dr. and Mrs. Jonas Bustos.

Greg Sklenar of Wichita was a weekend guest of his mother, Lois Sklenar. Valerie Hampton of Hillsboro was an additional Sunday dinner guest.

James and Anna Weber and Mackenzie Dornbush were Sunday evening visitors of Frank and Anna Mae Stika. Anna Mae and the young people attended the fun night. Irma Benda was an additional visitor at the Stika home after fun night.

Julie Rziha and Nikki Stenzel competed at a forensics meet at Peabody Saturday. Greg Stenzel, Lori Moldenhauer, and Jeanne Rziha attended to see them perform.

Gary and Carole Spohn and Georgia Spohn met Steve Spohn and Sheri Kersh of Hope, Ryan Spohn of Manhattan, and Angela Meyers and Jacob of Wamego in Council Grove Saturday evening. They enjoyed supper out in celebration of Carole's birthday.

Tom and Dee Duggan spent Thursday to Saturday with Darla Hall and Adam of Lee's Summit, Mo. On Thursday evening Dee and Darla attended a Taste of Home cooking school, while Tom and Adam went to Adam's swimming practice and ate out. All enjoyed supper out and a movie Friday evening. En route home on Saturday the Duggans stopped to visit Deb Hall and Kaylee in Herington and attended Tony Meyer's 95th birthday party.

Frank and Anna Mae Stika and Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu attended the biddy basketball game at Centre Thursday evening. Anna Weber played, and James Weber acted as referee.

February 22-28

Anna Mae Stika, Lori Moldenhauer, and Lisa Hanschu attended the funeral of Wilma Pigorsch at Herington Wednesday morning. Lori played the organ and Lisa sang.

Prairie Pals met Tuesday evening in the Lutheran church basement with Michele Berens and Lori Meyer as hostesses. The program was presented by Reece Berens and Tyler Bentz, who gave the illustrated talks they will take to Regional 4-H Day. Others present were Cheri Bentz, Virginia Bentz, Mary Clemmer, Paula Cox, Iona Dietrich, Linda Ihde, Laveta Meyer, Melissa Stuchlik, and Jane Vajnar.

Tom and Dee Duggan attended a retirement reception for Jim Christensen Tuesday afternoon in Marion.

Joyce Medley of Durham, Adeline Bernhardt, and Jane Vajnar were among those attending the funeral of Mildred Vajnar Monday afternoon. Jane also attended visitation Sunday afternoon. Mildred had lived in this community for many years before she and her husband Jerry moved to Newton. Her friends here grieve with her family.

Tom and Dee Duggan attended the pancake feed at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ramona Sunday evening.

Diane Herron, Andrew, Peter, and Maria of Topeka were weekend guests of Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie.

Four members of Tampa Triple T's 4-H Club took top blues Saturday at Marion County 4-H Day. Reece Berens, Tyler Bentz, Caleb Meisinger, and Cassidy Hill will compete at Regional 4-H Day. Congratulations, 4-H'ers.

Tom and Dee Duggan attended the Tri-County Historical Society's soup dinner Sunday at the Herington community building.

Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki went to Wichita Saturday for dinner out and shopping.

Leona Kleiber spent from Wednesday to Monday with Dean and Becky Routh, Allison, Melody and Danielle of Augusta. On Thursday afternoon Becky and daughters and Leona attended the Butler County spelling bee in El Dorado. Danielle was a participant and placed fourth among 29 contestants. Congratulations, Danielle.

A group of women enjoying dinner out in Hillsboro Thursday included Lorene Kleiber, Beryl Steiner, Shirley Hamm, Tillie Hein, Adeline Bernhardt, Bonnie Crandall, Helen Costello, Eleanor Herbel, and Dee Duggan.

Kaylee Hall of Herington was a Friday overnight guest of Tom and Dee Duggan.

Members of the Red Hat Society enjoyed a covered dish meal at the home of Karolyn Schlesener with Alice Bell as assisting hostess. Dee Duggan presided over the business meeting, where plans were made for upcoming activities. Others present were Adeline Bernhardt of Tampa, Ramona Goracke, Anita Hummel, and Betty Schlesener of Hope, and Phyllis Allen, Rose Mary Deines, and Helen Sorenson of Herington. After the meeting the group sang some old favorite songs.
