Tampa correspondent
A group of senior citizens enjoyed a scenic drive Tuesday to Alta Vista, Alma, Wamego, and Junction City. They visited a cheese factory, an apple cannery, museums, and churches. Reign Anduss drove the bus, and Tillie Hein arranged the tour. Others on the trip were Margaret Jirak, Adeline Bernhardt, Martha Melcher, Jim and Mary Clemmer, Iona Dietrich, Steve and Myrna Eskelson, Al and Darlene Sondergard, and Marlene Anduss.
Prairie Pals met Tuesday evening in the Lutheran church basement with Laveta Meyer and Jane Vajnar as hostesses. Julie Rziha and Aurora Salamone sang the solos they had prepared for state music festival with Lynley Remy accompanying them, and the group participated in a sing-along with a video. Others present were Susan Salamone, Monica Svoboda, Jeanne Rziha, Iona Dietrich, Mary Clemmer, and Virginia Bentz.
Members of the Red Hat Society visited Mary Christiansen at Presbyterian Manor in Salina Wednesday. They took a belated birthday cake and sang for her. Later the group enjoyed dinner out.
Three Centre High students were installed as district FFA officers Monday evening at a district meeting at Centre. They were Nellie Hill, president; Kristine Jirak, secretary; and Julie Rziha, reporter.
Tom Duggan attended a meeting of Silver Haired Legislators Tuesday in Abilene.
Georgia Spohn met her cousin, Lenora Graham of Florence, in Hillsboro Monday. They attended the Learning in Retirement session at Tabor College. After the program, they enjoyed dinner out.
Tom and Dee Duggan attended a soccer game in Herington Monday evening. Kaylee Hall, played.
Daniel and Melissa Stuchlik and Allie were hosts for a birthday party and barbecue supper in honor of Tanner Stuchlik's third birthday Sunday at their home. After Tanner opened gifts, and train cake and ice cream were served to Terry and Cindy Vinduska, Monty and Sarah Stuchlik, Frances Stuchlik, Leona Kleiber, Ross and Megan Stuchlik, Mike and Candee Thode, Joe and Gwen Robben, Kaitlyn and Nicholas, Kelly and Heather Steiner and Kenide, Shane and Jenny Svitak, Dani, Shi, and Payton, and Damien Svitak.
Andrea Kleiber, bride-elect of Dale Klenda, was honored with a bridal brunch kitchen shower Sunday in the church basement at Pilsen. Hostesses were Monica Leihy, Francie Mueller, Julie Klenda, and Patricia Klenda. Special guests included the mothers of the bridal couple, Peggy Kleiber and Terry Klenda, and Andrea's grandmother, Leona Kleiber, Guests introduced themselves and told how they were related to or knew the honoree. Before Andrea opened her gifts, a game was played, and guests wrote memories and marriage advice to Andrea and Dale.
Pastor Clark and Kathy Davis, Joyce Medley, and Adeline Bernhardt attended the Lutheran Women's Missionary League spring rally at Lyons Creek Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greene gave a slide presentation about world relief.
Donald and Carolyn Srajer of Omaha, Neb., spent from Thursday to Saturday here visiting Tillie Hein and Jim and Kris Srajer, Grant and Cole. They attended soccer games Thursday in which Grant and Cole played, and went to Cole's soccer game on Saturday.
Margaret Jirak, Adeline Bernhardt and Tom and Dee Duggan attended the meeting of the county senior citizens board Friday at Lincolnville.
A group of women enjoying dinner out and visiting in McPherson Thursday were Agnes Steinert of Hutchinson, Shirley Hamm, Beryl Steiner, and Lorene Kleiber of Hillsboro, Helen Costello, Bonnie Crandall, Tillie Hein, and Adeline Bernhardt.