Tampa correspondent
(785) 965-2285
Jerry and Jeanne Rziha, Julie and Bermet went to Topeka Sunday for the baptism of John Gabriel Herron and dinner at the home of Jim and Diane Herron, Andrew, Peter, Maria, and John. Others present were John and Jeanne Rziha, Michael, Christopher, Joseph, Timothy, Thomas, and Charles and David and Caterina Rziha and Isabel of Atchison, Susie Rziha of Wichita, and Ron and Mary Hammerschmidt of Topeka.
Deb Hall and Kaylee of Herington and Tom and Dee Duggan attended a soup dinner and bazaar Tuesday evening at Hilltop Community Center in Herington.
Sunflower Senior Citizens met Tuesday at the senior center for a potluck dinner, business meeting, and card bingo. Tillie Hein brought an album of pictures from the senior fair, where she was honored as a "rockin' and rollin' leader." Others present were Tom and Dee Duggan, Frank Patton, Don Witt, Kent Becker, Mary Clemmer, Adeline Bernhardt, Leona Kleiber, Margaret Jirak, Magdalen Dvorak, and Jane Vajnar.
Georgia Spohn met Lenora Graham of Florence in Hillsboro Monday. They attended Tabor's Learning in Retirement program at Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church, then enjoyed dinner out in Marion. Entertainment at Learning in Retirement was brought by a barbershop quartet.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika are spending their evenings from Tuesday through Thursday at the home of Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu, James and Anna taking care of things while Lisa is away on business.
Tom and Dee Duggan visited Bonnie Crandall Tuesday evening at the Hillsboro Community Long Term Care Unit.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber attended the Learning in Retirement program at Hillsboro Monday morning. Afterward, they enjoyed a tour of Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church with Katherine Heinrichs, and they ate lunch at the Tabor College cafeteria.
Members of Saint John's Lutheran Church enjoyed their annual hamburger fry and potluck Sunday.
Lucille Kerbs visited Connie Thompson and Taylor at Abilene Saturday. They met Glenn Kerbs of Dodge City for dinner out. He was en route home from a business trip to Topeka.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber attended Octoberfest Saturday in Lincolnville.
Julie Rziha and Bermet Zhumakadyr kyzy visited Bonnie Haslouer in Abilene Saturday, and all attended the Chisholm Trail Festival.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika attended Octoberfest Saturday in Lincolnville.
Hank and Janet Deines of Pollick Pines, Calif., and Georgia Spohn enjoyed dinner Friday at the café.
Tom Duggan and Kaylee Hall attended Octoberfest Saturday in Lincolnville.
Russ Kerbs took Reuben and Lucille Kerbs out for breakfast in Durham Thursday as a belated celebration of their wedding anniversary. Ashton Smith of Pilsen joined them.
The Centre FFA land judging team took first place in the state contest held Oct. 3 at Centre. Team members were Kristine Jirak, Julie Rziha, Andy Carlson, and Ethan Forsberg. Individually, Julie placed first, Kristine fifth, and Ethan ninth. They will compete in the national contest in Oklahoma.
Hank and Janet Deines and Georgia Spohn enjoyed dinner out Thursday in Herington.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika took Anna Weber and a friend to the homecoming game Sept. 28. Lisa Hanschu joined them there later. Nikki Stenzel was one of the announcers for the crowning of the king and queen, and she and Anna played in the band.
Tom and Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki enjoyed dinner out Sept. 28 in McPherson.
Lucille Kerbs met Gertie Hinkle of Herington at Lost Springs Oct. 3 for dinner out.
Tom and Dee Duggan were in Topeka Oct. 1-3. Tom attended sessions of the Silver-Haired Legislature. They visited Don and Betty Frick Tuesday afternoon.
Tom and Lori Moldenhauer went to Salina Sept. 28 for dinner out and shopping.
Several Tampa people attended a supper Oct. 2 at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Herington. Tim and Beth Heiney, missionaries in Guinea, presented a program and video about their work there. Those who went from here were Pastor Clark and Kathy Davis, Cindy Bentz, Leona Kleiber, and Adeline Bernhardt.
Last week's news
Hank Deines of Polleck Pines, Calif., and Melvin Mohn of Lyons visited Georgia Spohn and Gary and Carole Spohn Wednesday. All enjoyed dinner out in Durham.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs went Monday to Salina. After doing some errands they met Tim Kerbs for refreshments and visiting.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber enjoyed dinner out Monday in Salina.
The Centre FFA land judging team is competed Oct. 3 at the state contest after taking third at the district contest. Members of the team are Andy Carlson, Kristine Jirak, and Julie Rziha.
Sunday guests of Lois Sklenar were her children, Greg Sklenar of Wichita and Valerie Hampton of Hillsboro. Greg was an overnight guest.
Georgia Spohn met her cousin, Lenora Graham of Florence in Hillsboro Monday. They attended the Learning in Retirement program at Tabor College and enjoyed lunch out.
The following people came to Leona Kleiber's home Sunday afternoon and brought supper in to help her celebrate her Oct. 1 birthday: Terry and Cindy Vinduska of Marion, Lynn and Peggy Kleiber and Nicholas of Salina, Dean and Becky Routh, Melody, Allison, and Danielle of Augusta, Daniel and Melissa Stuchlik, Tanner and Alli and Dale and Andrea Klenda of Pilsen, and Adeline Bernhardt. Birthday cake and ice cream were served for dessert.
Bill Fillmore of Cottonwood Falls came Saturday to get Tillie Hein and took her to the home of Pam and Bill Fillmore for the weekend. On Saturday, Tillie and the Fillmores enjoyed supper out in Iola. On Sunday they attended the dedication of the complete renovation of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Strong City with Bishop Michael Jackels officiating at the mass. At the meal following worship, Bishop Jackels and Father Nick Voelker visited with the people. Ron and Dolores Scott of Emporia came to the Fillmore home in the afternoon. Tillie particularly enjoyed visiting with Dolores and Pam who had just returned this past week from a vacation in the Czech Republic and Germany.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs went to Abilene Sunday afternoon to watch Taylor Thompson play volleyball. Doug and Connie Thompson also were there, cheering Taylor on. All went out for refreshments after the game.
Georgia Spohn visited Marguerite Goertz Friday morning at Hillsboro.
A group of women enjoyed dinner Friday at the café. Leona Kleiber's and Lorene Kleiber's birthdays were celebrated. Others present were Dee Duggan, Beryl Steiner, Helen Costello, Bonnie Crandall, Eleanor Herbel, Adeline Bernhardt, and Tillie Hein.
Lucille Kerbs visited Connie Thompson and Taylor Friday at Abilene and all enjoyed dinner out.