Contributing writer
The Tampa Community Association met Oct. 12 at the senior center. They evaluated the success of the Santa Fe Trail Festival and set the date for the third annual festival for Oct. 9, 2005. There also was discussion of the agri-tourism conference to be held Friday and Saturday in Tampa. The group made plans to cooperate with Prairie Pals, Lutheran Women's Missionary League, and Thrivent on a soup dinner Nov. 13 as a benefit for Troy Hett and his sons who recently lost most of their possessions in a fire. The TCA also will sponsor a Christmas party Dec. 5. People are encouraged to bring Christmas treats to share. Entertainment will include carol singing and bingo. The Lions Club will provide sacks of treats for the children.
Dinner guests Sunday of Paul and Edna Backhus were Tom and Bev Reid of Marion County Lake, Mike and Jennifer Jay of Hillsboro, Don and Ophelia Jacobson and Greg Jacobson of Hope, Brad Backhus, Jason Backhus, Phyllis Mueller, and Rodney Mueller. The occasion was a celebration of Jason's birthday and the Reids' wedding anniversary.
A number of Tampa people attended the harvest mission festival Sunday at the Baptist church in Durham. Bill and Luci Langefeld, who are missionaries in Japan, brought a message about their work at morning and evening services. There was a potluck dinner after the morning service.
Leona Kleiber and Adeline Bernhardt visited Milda Krauter Sunday afternoon at Marion Manor in Marion.
Weekend guests of Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie were Wayne and Shannon Rziha and Cecilia Marie of Tulsa, Okla., Cecilia Rziha of Hays, Diane Herron, Andrew and Peter of Solomon, David Rziha of Council Grove, and Caterina Rozman of Lawrence. On Saturday all except Jerry, Dave, and Caterina went to Wichita to visit Sister Mary Cora Rziha.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika spent Saturday evening with James and Anna Weber and their friends, Ryan Dougherty and James Wyatt. They enjoyed a wiener roast, while Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu and Tom and Lori Moldenhauer joined friends for dinner out in Salina to celebrate Lisa's birthday.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs went Saturday to Hutchinson. Reuben attended the quarterly union meeting of Local 157 at the Best Western Sun Dome. Lucille and Beulah Herbic spent time visiting. Later, they joined the men for dinner.
Gary and Carole Spohn and Georgia Spohn joined Ryan Spohn, Adam and Lauren of Manhattan Saturday for dinner at the home of Steve Spohn of Hope.
Diane Steiner and Jane Vajnar enjoyed supper out Friday evening in Newton and attended the Ronnie Milsap concert in Wichita.
Lori Moldenhauer went to the football game Friday evening at Centre. Her daughter and nephew, Nikki Stenzel and James Weber, played in the band.
Paul and Edna Backhus attended the funeral Friday afternoon of Jack Richmond at Eastmoor United Methodist Church in Marion.
Anna Mae Stika and Lori Moldenhauer visited Walters' Pumpkin Patch Friday at Burns. They enjoyed dinner out in Burns and then went on to El Dorado.
Sunflower Senior Citizens met Oct. 12 at the senior center for their monthly potluck and meeting. The hostesses, Magdalen Dvorak and Eleanor Murphy, decorated the hall with a Halloween theme. After their business meeting most of the group played card bingo. Others present were Jim and Mary Clemmer, Tom and Dee Duggan, Frank Patton, Margaret Jirak, Adeline Bernhardt, Leona Kleiber, Helen Costello, Martha Melcher, Tillie Hein, Ruby Vinduska, and Jane Vajnar.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika and Lisa Hanschu went to the junior high football game Thursday evening at Centre to watch James Weber play.
Amanda Kleiber of Manhattan and Leona Kleiber enjoyed lunch Oct. 11 at the cafe.
Leona Kleiber was a supper guest Oct. 9 of Lynn and Peggy Kleiber and Nicholas.
Jane Vajnar attended the Learning in Retirement program Oct. 11 at Tabor College in Hillsboro, followed by lunch in the cafeteria. Lowell Ratzlaff of Denver, Colo., was the featured speaker. He combined video photography with music for a beautiful and inspiring presentation on worship around the world.
Melissa Stuchlik and Tanner of Wichita visited Oct. 9 with her grandmother, Leona Kleiber.
Last Week's News
Many Tampa people attended charity brunches at the senior center over the weekend. The Lions served a pizza luncheon before their zone meeting on Saturday, and the Knights of Columbus served breakfast on Sunday.
Stephanie Classen of Marion, Eleanor Murphy, and Martha Melcher were evening visitors Sunday of Helen Schwartzman.
Leona Kleiber attended the Kleiber family reunion at the Scout House Sunday afternoon in Hillsboro. Gene Kleiber of Hays also was among those present.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs attended the wedding of Jessie Lyn Reeve and Casey O'Brien Crouch at Salemsborg Lutheran Church Saturday afternoon at Smolan with the Rev. Ethan Feistner officiating. The reception was held at the Red Coach Inn in Salina.
Jane Vajnar accompanied Mary Clemmer to a pioneer celebration Saturday afternoon at the former stone barn near Council Grove. The program included letters from the Kansas Territory read by Patricia Michaelis and a lecture by Kenneth McClintock in the persona of Sam Wood. A group of musicians played old-time songs, and there were demonstrations of such activities as grinding corn, making sorghum molasses, and basket weaving.
John and Pat Schwartzman of Salina visited Helen Schwartzman Sunday. All attended church in Herington and attended the Knights of Columbus breakfast. Kaylee Hall of Herington was an overnight guest Friday of Tom and Dee Duggan.
Lucille Kerbs visited Connie Thompson, Allison and Taylor Friday in Abilene.
A group of senior citizens visited both the Garden of Eden and Paradise on Thursday, but decided to return to Tampa. The group ate breakfast or mid-morning refreshments at Lincoln, then went on to Lucas for tours of the Garden of Eden and the Grassroots Art Center. The next stop was Paradise, where there is an interesting water tower constructed of native limestone. They also discovered what kind of church is in Paradise; it is Methodist. They enjoyed a scenic drive around Wilson Lake and ate dinner in Wilson before returning home. Jim Clemmer drove the bus. Those on the tour were Mary Clemmer, Magdalen Dvorak, Ruby Vinduska, Vicki Melcher, Mary Lou Kroupa, Martha Melcher, Betty Mueller, Tillie Hein, Jane Vajnar, and Kathy Oborny.
Tom and Dee Duggan attended the visitation Wednesday evening and funeral on Thursday for Merle Decker in Hillsboro. The Decker family has the sympathy of this community. Merle will be greatly missed.
Nicholas Kleiber was a supper guest Wednesday of his grandmother, Leona Kleiber.
Pastor Clark Davis, Joyce Medley, Betty Mueller, and Leona Kleiber went to Marion Manor in Marion Oct. 5 to give a program and take cookies to the residents.
Georgia Spohn and Jane Vajnar attended the Learning in Retirement program Oct. 4 at Tabor College. Gregg Schroeder spoke about the history of nursing in Russia.
Clarence and Margie Stegeman of Overland Park, Agnes Steinert of Hillsboro, and Leona Kleiber attended the funeral Oct. 4 of their classmate, Dorothy Berg, at Zeiner Funeral Home in Marion.
Russ and Julie Kerbs, Ashton and Rustyn visited after church Oct. 3 with Reuben and Lucille Kerbs.
Deb Hall and Kaylee and Kaylee's friends, Audra and Dalton, of Herington visited Tom and Dee Duggan Oct. 3, and attended the Santa Fe Trail Fest.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs visited Oct. 1 with Doug and Connie Thompson, Allison and Taylor in Abilene, and helped set up for a garage sale. Lucille returned on Saturday to help Connie with the sale.
Don Kerbs visited Reuben and Lucille Kerbs Sept. 30.