Tampa correspondent
(785) 965-2285
Nov. 2-8
Georgia Spohn visited Marguerite Goertz and her daughter, Benita in Hillsboro Wednesday morning.
Andrea Kleiber was a Monday afternoon visitor of her grandmother, Leona Kleiber.
A crowd of community residents enjoyed game night Sunday evening at the senior center. Those attending brought snacks to share. The event was sponsored by the Tampa Community Association. The annual Christmas party will be Dec. 3, beginning with carol singing at 6 p.m., followed by a visit from Santa, snacks, and games. Each family is requested to bring a snack to share. The Leos will have a soup supper the first Sunday in January followed by games.
Georgia Spohn attended Learning in Retirement at Tabor College in Hillsboro Monday morning. Naomi Penner spoke on her life in Alaska.
Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie joined other relatives Sunday at the home of Kirk and Carol Whitehair of rural Abilene for an early celebration of Bonnie Haslouer's birthday.
The Centre Leos sponsored a senior prom for older citizens Saturday evening at the senior center. The event was called "A Blast from the Past," and the center was decorated with a 1950s theme. Entertainment included music, games with prizes, and a variety of snacks. Paul and Edna Backhus were king and queen of the prom. Their attendants were Jim and Mary Clemmer and Tom and Dee Duggan.
Ron and Dolores Scott of Emporia spent Saturday with her mother, Tillie Hein, for an early celebration of Tillie's birthday, which was Wednesday.
Tony Young of Goessel was a Saturday afternoon visitor of Lois Sklenar.
Jane Vajnar spent Thursday through Sunday with Roberta and Bob Talbot of Topeka. Three of Roberta's daughters, a son-in-law, and some of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were visitors during that time.
Kristine Jirak was one of three Marion County 4-H members receiving the Key Award at the achievement banquet Friday evening at Parkview Church in Hillsboro. She also earned her 10-year membership pin. Members of Tampa Triple T's who earned county awards included Kristine Jirak, clothing, foods, and swine; Julie Rziha, foods; Lauren Geis, beef, dog care and training, livestock, and sheep; Chad Mueller, dairy and plant science; Reece Berens, Exploring 4-H and reading; Karl Riffel, livestock and swine; Kyle Riffel, livestock. Membership pins went to Lauren Geis, Lisa Geis, Greg Oborny, and Tanner Peterson. Chad Mueller and Karl Riffel earned emerald pins. Justin Deines was awarded a silver pin. Shelby Deines and Sheila Makovec received leadership pins. Nellie Hill was awarded a gold pin. Community and project leaders also were recognized.
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League met Nov, 1. Pastor Clark Davis led the topic. Cindy Bentz was hostess. Others present were Kathy Davis, Edna Mueller, Alma Meyer, Adeline Bentz, Betty Mueller, Janet Bielefeld, and Edna Backhus.
Afternoon visitors of Leona Kleiber after the Kleiber family reunion Oct. 29 were Bob and Phyl Kenney and Bill and Dana Wendling of Lincoln, Neb., Terry and Cindy Vinduska of Marion, Lynn and Peggy Kleiber, Nicholas and Andrea of Salina, Tim and Amanda Baxa of Manhattan, Dale Klenda of Pilsen, and Dean and Becky Routh, Allison, Melody, and Danielle of Augusta. Refreshments were served. Leona accompanied the Rouths home and stayed with them until Nov. 5. Becky and daughters and Leona attended the Kiwanis noon luncheon Nov. 4 in Augusta. The Routh sisters performed on their instruments and sang. Leona and the Rouths attended the Butler County 4-H achievement banquet Nov. 4. Danielle received county awards for visual and performing arts, reading, and crochet projects. Melody received blue awards for public speaking and performing arts projects. Allison received a blue award for reading project and was county champion in performing arts. All three girls received emerald pins.
Bob and Phyl Kenney, Bill and Dana Wendling, and Amanda Baxa were Nov. 4 afternoon and supper guests of Leona Kleiber.
Oct. 26-Nov. 1
Halloween supper and evening guests of Frank and Anna Mae Stika were Tom and Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki and Ronnie and Lisa Hanschu, James and Anna.
Jim Clemmer was a Tuesday morning visitor of Tom and Dee Duggan.
Tillie Hein and Martha Melcher went with a tour group from Hope to the Golden Eagle Casino Monday.
Marcel and Irma Benda were Sunday evening visitors of Frank and Anna Mae Stika.
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs were Sunday dinner guests of Tim and Marchelle Kerbs, April and Molly in Salina. The occasion was a celebration of Molly's birthday.
Lorraine Havlik of Marion and Adeline Bernhardt enjoyed dinner Sunday at the café.
Greg Sklenar of Wichita was a weekend guest of his mother, Lois Sklenar. Valerie Hampton of Hillsboro joined them Sunday to celebrate her birthday.
Jesse and Ashton Smith of Salina and Russ and Julie Kerbs and Rustyn were after church visitors Sunday of Reuben and Lucille Kerbs.
Adam Hall of Lee's Summit, Mo., grandson of Tom and Dee Duggan, swam on the Lee's Summit West High School swim team, which won first place in their conference this fall.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika, Tom and Lori Moldenhauer and Nikki, and Lisa Hanschu and Anna attended the Halloween party at Ramona Friday evening.
Dee Duggan attended a baby shower for Melissa Florey Sunday afternoon at the home of Traci Robb in Hillsboro.
Lucille Kerbs went to Abilene Sunday and joined Connie Thompson and Taylor for dinner out and shopping.
Dee Duggan picked Kaylee Hall up from day-care Friday and brought her to Tampa to spend the night with her grandparents, Tom and Dee Duggan. Saturday morning the Duggans took Kaylee to her dance lesson and then went on to Salina for a movie and shopping. They returned to Herington for Halloween festivities at the community building and the Halloween parade in which Kaylee participated.
Russ Kerbs and Rustyn were Friday breakfast guests of Reuben and Lucille Kerbs, and Rustyn spent the morning with them.
Adeline Bernhardt and Dee Duggan attended the Herington Hoedowners Halloween party in Herington Thursday evening. Dee won the prize for the best costume.
Leroy Goertz of Portland, Ore., and his sisters, Rosalie of Olathe, Betty Ann of Des Moines, Iowa, and Charlotte of Ontario, Canada, who lived in Tampa for much of their childhood, attended church here Oct. 22. Paul and Edna Backhus took them to the café for dinner, where Dave and Mary Ann Frantz joined them. They also called on Alma and Dennis Meyer. They were here for the Tabor College homecoming and Leroy's 40th class reunion. Leroy has made a reputation for himself in the arts, and some of his sculpture was on display at Tabor.