Contributing writer
Reuben and Lucille Kerbs, Russ and Julie Kerbs, Ashton and Rustyn, and Jesse Smith spent the weekend in Dodge City. On Friday evening they all attended a wedding rehearsal at Church of the Nazarene and rehearsal dinner at the country club. They attended the wedding Saturday of Cristy Cammack and Reuben Kerbs II at the church followed by a dinner and dance at the Knights of Columbus hall. Slides were shown depicting the life stories of the bride and groom. Clayton Kerbs was his brother's best man. Ashton Kerbs was one of the bridesmaids. Allison Phillips and Taylor Thompson were program attendants. Connie Thompson, Marchelle Kerbs, and Julie Kerbs served cake at the reception. Also among the relatives and friends attending were the groom's parents, Glenn and Eloise Kerbs of Dodge City, Tim and Marchelle Kerbs, April and Molly of Salina, Connie Thompson, Allison and Taylor and Brice Dawson of Abilene, Virgil and Barb Gooding of El Dorado, Al and Lila Gooding, Don and Cecile Penney, Pauline Penney and sister of Topeka, and Elmer and Joyce Gooding of Tempe, Ariz.
Jerry and Jeanne Rziha are the proud grandparents of Anthony Michael Rziha, born Dec. 16 to Wayne and Shannon Rziha of Tulsa, Okla. Also welcoming Anthony into the world is his sister, Cecilia Marie, 2. Maternal grandparents are Sara and Cashion Brill from Oklahoma. Great-grandmothers are Bonnie Haslouer of Abilene and Gertrude Rziha of Great Bend.
Lorraine Havlik of Marion visited Sunday afternoon with Adeline Bernhardt.
Rhea and Everett Kolling of Herington visited Tom and Dee Duggan Monday, and all enjoyed dinner at the cafe.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika accompanied Lisa Hanschu, James and Anna to the home of Jim and Marilyn Anderson at Hope Sunday evening for a home tour and cocoa and cookies. Then they went to Salina to see the Christmas lights.
Tillie Hein, Philothea Snell, Eleanor Murphy, Martha Melcher, and Sean Leihy attended a supper and card party Sunday evening at Herington.
Leroy Schwartzman of Ballwin, Mo., is spending some time with his mother, Helen Schwartzman. Additional Sunday afternoon visitors were Helen Jean McGonigle of Wichita, Larry Parsons of Mount Hope, Eleanor Murphy, and Martha Melcher.
Adeline Bernhardt visited Milda Krauter at Marion Manor in Marion Dec. 14, and again Sunday afternoon.
Holy Redeemer Altar Society enjoyed a Christmas dinner Sunday evening at the cafe. Father Mark Wesley was a special guest and offered a meditation. The group sang Christmas carols.
Frank and Anna Mae Stika and Lisa Hanschu, James and Anna attended morning worship together at Hope Methodist Church Sunday, followed by a potluck dinner. James and Anna performed in the children's Christmas program.
Tom and Dee Duggan were among those attending the Tampa State Bank Christmas dinner Saturday evening in Wichita.
Gary and Carole Spohn and Georgia Spohn visited Ryan Spohn Saturday in Manhattan.
Edna Mueller, Linda Ihde, and Adeline Bernhardt attended the Christmas festivities Saturday evening in Ramona.
Cecilia Rziha of Hays arrived here Thursday, and Janie Rziha of Atchison on Saturday. They are spending their Christmas vacation with Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie. On Saturday they all visited Sister Mary Cora Rziha in Wichita.
Tom and Lori Moldenhauer attended a benefit Saturday evening for the Thompson family in Hope.
Kaylee Hall of Herington was an overnight guest Friday of her grandparents, Tom and Dee Duggan.
Jane Vajnar was an overnight guest Thursday of Berniece Burwell in Salina. On Friday she did some shopping and then went to Kanopolis where she was an overnight guest of Marc and Wendy Stroede and Jessica Burwell. She returned home Saturday after paying brief visits to Cris and Margaret Gourley and Craig at Ellsworth and Jon and Wanda Sneath at Carneiro.
Deb Hall of Herington and Tom and Dee Duggan attended the kindergarten program Wednesday evening in Herington. Kaylee Hall was one of the performers.
A group of Prairie Pals went caroling Dec. 13. Members participating were Lori Meyer, Laveta Meyer, Michele Berens, and Jane Vajnar. Guests were Janet Bielefeld and Reece Berens. At the end of the evening they thawed out and ate snacks at Lori's home.
The American Legion Auxiliary had its Christmas party Dec. 13 at the Legion hall with eight members and one guest present. The hostesses, Bonnie Crandall and Dee Duggan, decorated the hall with a Christmas theme and served a festive supper. After the meal, the group played card bingo for prizes. Others present were Bonnie Funk, Beryl Steiner, Joann Nowak, Ruby Vinduska, Margaret Vinduska, Jane Vajnar, and Elaine Backhus. All received holiday gifts from the hostesses.
As more and more residents put Christmas lights and decorations in their yards, Tampa became a colorful wonderland. Thanks are due to all those who gave us such beauty. Come and view the spectacle.