Tampa news
Contributing writer
John and Kathy Oborny met Jane Vajnar at the airport in Wichita Aug. 31 and brought her back to Tampa after a week's vacation. Jane was the guest of Dan Costello of Alexandria, Va., and saw many of the sights in that area. She enjoyed tours of the National Cathedral, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the Capitol, as well as a National Park Service tour of all the major monuments, all arranged by the staff in Representative Jerry Moran's office. She also spent some time in the National Gallery of Art and several of the Smithsonian museums, including the Holocaust Museum. On Saturday she and Dan cruised down the Potomac for a tour of Mount Vernon. Dan also introduced her to some interesting restaurants and a semi-authentic Irish pub. She worshipped at Christ Church Sunday morning in Alexandria where George Washington and Robert E. Lee attended in their day. She spent most of her birthday, Monday, at the zoo, but they allowed her to leave.
The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the home of Ruby Vinduska in Pilsen.
Tillie Hein spent Labor Day weekend with Pam and Bill Fillmore of Cottonwood Falls and attended the baptism of their grandchild, the daughter of Steve and Jan Fillmore.
A committee from the Tampa Community Association met Wednesday evening to make plans for the Santa Fe Trail Fest to be held Oct. 3, at the ball park. A new event this year will be a dutch oven cook-off. Contestants must register by Sept. 29. To register or get more information call Beth Riffel at 785-965-7179. Other activities will be a wiener roast, cake walk, cow chip toss, and other old-fashioned frontier games. Everyone is invited. Bring your own lawn chairs and roasting sticks. There will be an opportunity to buy a Tampa T-shirt. Craft vendors are welcome. The committee will meet again at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 in the Lutheran church basement to check progress and finalize plans. If you have suggestions, committee members are Carla Hajek, Jeanne Rziha, Lori Moldenhauer, Julie Kerbs, Beth Riffel, Michele Berens, and Jane Vajnar.
Tom and Dee Duggan attended a National Association of Retired Federal Employees potluck Thursday evening at the Golden Age Center in Herington.
Edna Mueller and Adeline Bernhardt had dinner out Wednesday in Salina and visited Fred Utech at Salina Regional Medical Center where he underwent heart surgery.
Jim and Mary Clemmer spent Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 in Topeka. They visited Fern Gray, Doris Lowe, and Nyle and Kathi Sutton, Alex, Meaghan, Kyle, and Abigail. Other guests of the Suttons were Bob and Margaret Growchsky.
Jack and Sharon Grosse of Peabody, Adeline Bernhardt, and Leona Kleiber joined Milda Krauter at Marion Manor in Marion Aug. 31, for their monthly potluck for residents and their families.
Gary and Carole Spohn and Georgia Spohn spent the afternoon and evening Aug. 31 with Ryan and Claudette Spohn, Adam and Lauren of Manhattan and all enjoyed supper out.
Andrea and Nicholas Kleiber visited their grandmother, Leona Kleiber, Aug. 30.
After church Aug. 28, Reuben and Lucille Kerbs took Connie Thompson and Taylor of Abilene, Ashton Kerbs and Jesse Smith of Salina, and Russ and Julie Kerbs and Rustyn to the cafe for dinner. Connie, Taylor, and Rustyn spent the afternoon with them.
Evening visitors of Helen Schwartzman Aug. 29 were Stephanie Classen of Marion, Eleanor Murphy, and Martha Melcher.
Jim and Mary Clemmer visited Shawn and Karin Clemmer, Blayke and Seth Aug. 29 in Salina.
Around 700 people attended the Tampa State Bank's annual hog roast Aug. 28. Adeline Bernhardt was the winner of the child's express wagon which was raffled off to raise money for the Tampa High School monument. The band sang "Happy Birthday" to Martha Melcher who was to celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday. Tillie Hein was given a gold coin for being the oldest person present.
Lawrence Mueller of Iola was an overnight guest Aug. 28 of Art and Betty Mueller and attended the hog roast.
John and Pat Schwartzman of Salina visited Helen Schwartzman Aug. 29.
Weekend guests of Jerry and Jeanne Rziha and Julie Aug. 27-29 were Wayne and Shannon Rziha and Cecilia of Tulsa, Okla., Ann Stevens, Janie Rziha, and John and Jeanne Rziha, Michael, Christopher, Joseph, and Timothy of Atchison, Diane Herron, Andrew and Peter of Solomon, David Rziha of Council Grove, and Cecilia Rziha and Kari Gienger of Hays. All attended the hog roast Saturday evening, and Wayne received a gold coin for coming the farthest to attend.
Connie Thompson and Taylor of Abilene visited Reuben and Lucille Kerbs Aug. 28 and accompanied them to the hog roast. (Doug Thompson and Allison Phillips were unable to join them.) Later, Al and Lila Gooding and Jerry and Marge Carver of Topeka, who had come for their class reunion, stopped by to visit.
Ernie and Darlene Kite of Bartlesville, Okla., spent Aug. 28-31 with Tom and Dee Duggan. Deb Hall and Kaylee of Herington joined them Saturday evening for the hog roast. Other visitors stopping by Saturday were Lawrence Mueller of Iola and Carolyn Duggan of Hutchinson. On Sunday evening the Kites and Duggans attended a Knights of Columbus picnic at the Herington park. On Monday they went shopping in McPherson. Deb and Kaylee were Monday evening supper guests.
Georgia Spohn visited Marguerite Goertz of Hillsboro Aug. 28. She also got to see Marguerite's daughters, Rose from California and Benita from Texas, who were spending some time with their mother.
Joyce Medley of Durham, Adeline Bernhardt, and Leona Kleiber accompanied Betty Mueller to Abilene Aug. 25 for the matinee performance of "The Cardigans" at the Great Plains Theater.
Adeline Bernhardt and Leona Kleiber enjoyed lunch out Aug. 24 in Salina.