Traffic division

The following information has been filed in the Traffic Division of Marion County District Court:

Rex E. Hendrickson, Paola, speed; fine and costs, $120.

Joseph M. Romig, Valley Center, defective wipers; fine and costs, $90.

Matthew T. Jinright, Halstead, unlawful acts; fine and costs, $70.

Traci E. Sears, Hutchinson, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Kenneth W. Whitaker, Dunlap, speed; fine and costs, $114.

Mark B. Shaw, Manhattan, speed; fine and costs, $120.

Joshua C. Edwards, Clinton, Iowa, defective wipers; fine and costs, $90.

Randy L. Kennedy, Englewood, Colo., speed; fine and costs, $132.

Trent A. Cowan, Tulsa, Okla., speed; fine and costs, $120.

Gordon O. Mohn, Hillsboro, speed and failure to wear seat belt; fine and costs, $100.

David M. Libonate Jr., Cheney, speed; fine and costs, $144.

Charles H. Patterson, Rapid City, S.D., following too closely; fine and costs, $120.

Joshua A. Hawley, Leon, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Christopher A. Beavers, Olathe, disobedience of official traffic control devices; fine and costs, $120.

Stephen D. Bryant, Wichita, speed; fine and costs, $126.

Kara A. Chisholm, Durham, speed; fine and costs, $132.

Robert M. Caniff, Manhattan, speed; fine and costs, $120.

Gwen M. Hoy, Cedar Point, unlawful acts; fine and costs, $70.

Denise McNabb, St. George, speed; fine and costs, $114.

James D. Kunkel, Benton, unlawful acts; fine and costs, $70.

Robert A. Barnett, Newton, speed; fine and costs, $120.
