Youngtown correspondent
(620) 382-2713
Ken Nienstedt said he never had seen this much ice. They have wood stoves but need electricity to circulate heat. He had trouble feeding the cows. The big bails were heavily covered with ice and he couldn't get them apart. Finally he found it he rolled them he could get the ice to fall off and then separate them for feeding. The cows had to be fed and tanks and ponds broken for water for the stock. He said they went 71 hours without electricity.
Virginia Downing had a limb fall on the house and pull wires loose. She has lights in part of her house and hopes to get all power restored today. Leon and Cate Hayen came to Marion today to visit Dorothy Hayen and to prepare their travel home for a mission trip to Texas.
Skip and Eileen Sieger were without power for five days. They have a wood stove that has a cooking surface. They rescued Jeannine Bateman for a couple of days and they made chili on the stove. Eileen said it was the best she had ever made. Skip took his chain saw to get through Jeannine's drive. She has a lot of limbs down.
David and Shirley Bowers have a gas cook stove so they could have hot food but it got rather cold in the house. Shirley did hand sewing to pass the time during the storm. Shirley really appreciated the work crew who came from Eastmoor and cleaned her yard Sunday of broken branches.
Beth and Howard Collett have a propane cooking stove and a wood-burning heating stove so they were well fed and warm. Keith brought them an old telephone so they were OK. They stayed home and enjoyed the beauty of the ice-covered trees.
Vicki Smolik spent a couple of days in her wash house. She had both heat and a cooking stove. It got cold in the house at night so Kathy thought she should come into town. Paul Swan went back and forth to the farm to see that her pipes didn't freeze. Vicki thinks her violets have frozen and they were blooming beautifully before the storm.
Marj Johnson drove out for me Wednesday evening and it took her four and one-half hours round trip. I stayed through Sunday in Wichita and was surprised to see the trees free of ice. We arrived here shortly before the mission team from Eastmoor came to clear the fallen limbs from my yard. What a great service the church did for older people.
Leonard and Rosalie Klassen were cold and hungry. They finally got some gas for their car and drove to Wichita to Vickie and Marv Fisher's home. They watched Allegra play a couple of basketball games and returned home so Leonard could teach his Sunday school class.
Ivan Lee and Mary Ann Timms visited Sunday evening with Leonard and Rosalie Klassen.