

Youngtown correspondent

(620) 382-2713

I moved April 8 to 421 S. Cedar, Marion. The new owners of my property in the country are Colette and Shannon Perry and their three children ranging in age from 14 to three.

My Easter guests were Marj and Joe Johnson, Ethan and Emily. Marj brought the dinner and everyone helped me get settled in my new home. Roseva McLinden called Tuesday for a visit and Rosalie and Leonard Klassen called Saturday morning to see my new home.

Easter guests of Faye and Jerry Makovec were Jeff Makovec and Tim and Morgan Makovec. Donita and Gary Turk and Brian and Chelsea called Easter Sunday afternoon on Faye and Jerry.

Easter guests at the new home of Leonard and Rosalie Klassen were Vickie and Marv Fisher, Ashley, Aaron, and Allegra and Cora and Don Sorenson, Kelsie, Kelly, and Keaton. Sunday guests of Rosalie and Leonard were Kami VanCampon and Parker. Rosalie and Leonard took Elmer and Leonore Klassen Friday to Hutchinson to the MCC sale and had supper there.

Shirley Bowers attended Eastmoor United Methodist Women's meeting Wednesday afternoon. She helped Eastmoor women Saturday evening serve the junior-senior banquet. Shirley hosted and organized a casserole cook-off contest and carry-in dinner Sunday noon at Eastmoor. This was sponsored by the Salina district and the winner, Kathy Meierhoff, takes her rice-chicken casserole to Salina.

Surprise visitor Sunday at the home of David and Shirley Bowers and Roy and Rose Olive Hett was the Rev. Warren Hett.

Roy Hett's 92 birthday is April 23 and he would enjoy cards from his friends.

Easter Sunday guests of Daryl and Connie Skibbe, Eric and Christopher in Newton were Jeannine Bateman, Kristine Bateman, Jerald Skibbe, and Alvina Skibbe. It was an extra special day with Alvina being able to be with her family.

Cy Goertz went to the REA meeting Tuesday evening at Centre High School. Sunday he drove to Diana and Clint Jost's home to help John Jost and wife Tory celebrate John's birthday.

Edmund Steiner and Vicki Smolik attended the second anniversary dance and reception of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Horavek Sunday afternoon at the VFW hall in McPherson. They attended the REA meeting Tuesday evening.

Carmen Parrack came from Texas April 11 to visit her family. John Hayen, Dorothy Hayen, Brent and Paula Hayen, Carmen Parrack, and Virginia Downing ate Easter dinner in Florence. Virginia hosted Easter supper Sunday evening for Marilyn Geis, John and Dorothy Hayen, Carmen Parrack, Tom and Patti Thomas and Leann, Joel Thomas and Megan O'Dell, Mike and Gayle Thomas, Adam and Ryan, Dale and Shawn Geis, Courtney, Ericka, and Kristen, and Charles Montgomery. Carmen left Monday for home. Leann Thomas showed her 4-H beef steers at the spring beef show and took three championships and one reserve champion.

Last week's news

We welcome Seth and Brenda Larsen and son Kyler to the Youngtown community. They have purchased Leonard and Rosalie's farm and moved Thursday into their new home.

Leonard and Rosalie Klassen are settling into their temporary home in Marion while their new home is being built. Leonard attended the father/son banquet Wednesday evening at Eastmoor church. Leonard and Rosalie had supper Sunday night with Vernon and Rachel Friesen in Hillsboro.

Rosalene and Charles Stinchcomb drove to Hutchinson Sunday to the home of Karen Smith to help Georgia Higgins celebrate her birthday. Other family members attending were Boyd and Virginia Higgins and Gail and Sandy Dody, Kristi and Karen Sue.

Roseva McLinden and Darlene Schmidt attended the FCE Spring Council meeting Thursday at McPherson. Roseva went to the funeral services for Lenora McLinden Friday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Newton. Richard and Patty McLinden and Roseva McLinden helped Dean Fincham celebrate his retirement Friday evening in Wichita. Roseva visited Sunday evening with the John Snelling family.

Skip and Eileen Sieger attended the wedding ceremony Saturday of Roger and LaDonna Giesbrecht at Florence United Methodist Church. Eileen hosted her bridge club on Friday afternoon. Skip flew to Ponca City Saturday morning for the monthly fly-in.

Marj Johnson was here Sunday. We drove to Grant Township Cemetery to check on the peonies we planted on either side of Alvina and Earl Hoffman's stone and also Uncle John Stowee. We saw many purple and white old-fashioned daisies all over the cemetery. What memories they bring back of country school and getting to pick them during lunch time.

Jeannine Bateman's mother, Alvina Skibbe, is improving from her stroke and would like mail at her new address, 137 Friendly Acres, 200 SW 14th, Newton KS 67114. Jeannine had supper with Kristine Friday night in Topeka following a business meeting.

Kathy and Paul Swan and Becky and Tim Makovec, Morgan and Tyler came to the Smolik farm Sunday to burn pasture and have supper with Vicki.

Leon Hayen came Friday to help John with farm cleanup. He returned home Saturday. John Hayen and Virginia Downing took Dorothy Sunday to Florence to eat dinner.

My son, Ron Ireland, and his son Kevin, from Missoula, Mont., spent their spring break helping me with cleanup. Sheila joined us Tuesday for lunch and she and Kevin went on to Lawrence to visit her family. Ron and I had Wednesday night supper at Kingfisher's Inn in Marion. The Montana Irelands left Thursday evening for home.

Cy Goertz took Dale Geis to the father/son banquet Wednesday night at Eastmoor. Cy joined Clint and Dianna Jost Thursday evening at Kingfisher's Inn to help Lorine Jost celebrate her birthday.

Roy Hett is in St. Luke Hospital in Marion and Paul and Jane Hett from Parsons visited him Sunday afternoon. Wanda Coe was home Saturday to visit her father and mother.

Mary Beth Bowers and Rhonny and Shirley Bowers met Janelle Paden Tuesday in Newton for lunch to celebrate Rhonny's birthday. David Bowers, Greg Bowers, and Stephen Bowers attended the father/son banquet Wednesday evening at Eastmoor. Shirley helped in the kitchen. Shirley also helped with the black-tie benefit dinner Saturday night at Eastmoor to raise money for the community center/movie theater project. David and Shirley Bowers and Luke Bowers and Carl and Lela Paden of Topeka attended the mystery dinner theater Sunday evening at Grace Community Church. Matthew Paden had a part in the play that was put on by the youth group.
