

Youngtown correspondent

(620) 382-2713

Pam and Glenn Hett, Samantha and Kyle drove to Wichita Saturday morning to the college graduation of Morgan at Wichita State University.

Cy Goertz and Diana Jost drove to Kansas City to the Department of Aging Foundation for a reception for last year photo winners. L.Dena had won second place on the photo she entered in the contest. Cy, David and Shirley Bowers, and Eileen and Skip Sieger attended the Come-Join-Us Sunday school class party Sunday evening at Eastmoor.

Don and Vickie Kraus, Rose and Greg Davidson, and Charles and Kay Tajchman reported attending the potluck supper Sunday evening at Holy Family Activity Center honoring the Marion High School graduates from their parish. Sarah Davidson and Amy Tajchman are graduating this year and were honored by the church.

Aline Bernhardt visited me Tuesday afternoon following our afternoon of quilting at Eastmoor.

Gertie Mahoney and I were hostesses Thursday morning for the food bank. We ate lunch together at the senior center.

Kathy and Paul Swan, Tim and Becky Makovec, Morgan and Tyler, and Vicki Smolik went to Emporia Friday evening and had supper with Justin and Katrina Griffin, Kandace and Kassidy. They spent the night and helped with a Saturday garage sale. Lorraine Havlik and Jane Makovec drove to the Smolik farm Tuesday afternoon to visit Vicki and see her flowers. Vicki attended the Holy Family altar society meal and meeting Wednesday evening at Kingfisher's Inn.

Russell and Stephanie Bowers of Colby and Jason of Overland Park were weekend houseguests of Shirley and David Bowers. They were joined Saturday evening for supper by Doug and Janelle Paden, Mathew, Abigail, and Jonathan and Mary Beth Bowers and Luke. Sunday dinner guests of Shirley and David were the Russell Bowers family and Greg and Mary Beth Bowers, Rhonny and Luke.

John Hayen and Virginia Downing took Dorothy Hayen to Florence Sunday for dinner.

Russell Bowers helped Mary Beth and Greg Bowers work cattle all day Saturday. Rhonny Bowers is home for a three-day stay in Marion hospital where she was getting her newly diagnosed diabetes under control.

Faye and Jerry Makovec attended the high school graduation of their grandson Brian Turk in Baldwin City Saturday morning and the reception following at the home of Donita and Gary Turk.

Lesley Allen left Monday morning for a three-week study trip, associated with her college classes, for Paris, France, and Istanbul, Turkey.

Ivanlee and Mary Ann Timm visited Thursday evening with Rosalie and Leonard Klassen. I finally got over Thursday afternoon to see Rosalie and Leonard's new place and had a short visit. Vernon and Rachel Friesen visited Leonard and Rosalie Sunday evening.

June and Lois Jost, Leonard and Rosalie Klassen, and Dorothy and Leo Scharenberg had dinner together Sunday noon at Florence and then went to the Scharenberg home for a visit.
