Youngtown correspondent
(620) 382-2713
Leon Hayen and his grandson, Christopher Hayen from Topeka, came Sunday to visit Dorothy and John Hayen and returned home Monday evening. John Hayen and Virginia Downing took Dorothy to dinner Sunday at McGillicuddy's and were joined by Pete Propp and his daughter Sharon of Garden City. They had a great visit.
Greg Bowers gave the Grant Township memorial address Monday to a wind-blown group of former Youngtown people. Greg always does a good job and gave us new things to think about.
Rosalie and Leonard Klassen attended the Hillsboro all-school reunion and banquet Saturday evening. Leonard and Rosalie went Sunday night to the Southern Gospel sing-along birthday celebration for Roger Hiebert at Good News church at Marion. Rosalie and Leonard met Calvin and Arlene Dahl of Maple Grove, Minn., Monday at Lehigh for the parade and dinner.
Roseva McLinden went to the Rev. Lloyd Cox's burial Thursday at the Wonsevu Community Cemetery. His home was Colorado Springs, Colo. Roseva attended the Ammeter family reunion at Burns Community Building and visited with several nieces and nephews.
Vicki Smolik, Kathy and Paul Swan, and Becky and Tim Makovec, Morgan and Tyler helped Katrina and Justin, Kandace and Kassidy move on Saturday from Emporia to their country home northeast of Strong City.
I visited Dorothy and Lawrence Gilbert Monday afternoon and updated Grant Township cemetery records.
Last week's news
Stephen Bowers, Sarah Davidson, Amy Goering, Kathleen Kraus, Emma Parli, and Amy Tajchman from the Youngtown area graduated from high school at 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon at Marion High School gymnasium.
Sunny and Rae Mona Herman from Hays, Sister Annice, Patsy Herman and Sammy from Denver came Friday to the Greg Davidson home to attend the graduation exercises of Sarah Davidson. Sunday out-of-town guests of the Davidsons were Allyn and Cyndy Montgomery and Greg's two sisters, Jeanette Schroeder and Diane Riley, and Denis Helmer and family of Wichita. Sarah was one of six co-valedictorians and gave a speech at the ceremonies.
Jeannine Bateman attended the Kansas Federation of Republican Women spring board meeting Saturday in Wichita. She visited Saturday afternoon with her mother, Alvina Skibbe, at Friendly Acres in Newton.
Howard and Beth Collett and Lucy Collett drove Saturday to Jefferson City to the home of Randy and Rachel Collett. They spent the night and brought Zack and Maggie home with them to spend time on the farm now that school is out.
Cy Goertz attended the Saturday graduation exercises and reception following at Kansas State University for his grandson and wife, John and Tory Jost. They both earned degrees in agriculture business. Cy attended the reception honoring Courtney Geis Sunday afternoon at St. Luke Activity Center.
Wayne and Deb Geis and Lauren and Lisa Geis came home from church Sunday with Marilyn Geis and visited until time to go to the graduation exercises. They were joined by John Hayen for the ceremonies and reception following honoring Courtney Geis. Courtney is Marilyn Geis' granddaughter and Dorothy Hayen's great-granddaughter. Leon and Cate Hayen were in Marion Wednesday through Friday visiting family members and Dorothy Hayen.
Ray and Rita Kraus attended the Marion High School graduation and reception at the home of Leroy and Rhonda Kraus honoring their granddaughter, Kathleen Kraus. They also attended the party honoring Sarah Davidson.
Skip and Eileen Sieger attended the reception Sunday evening of Justin Brookens and Kathleen Kraus. They have talked by phone to their daughter, Lesley Allen, who is in Paris, France, and Lesley didn't know the airport building had collapsed. She came through that building this past Monday. She is having a great time in France and seeing many old buildings, so was surprised one so new had fallen down.
Lesa Daily, daughter of Roger Giesbrecht, received her bachelor's degree in zoo science May 15 at Friends University. I takes courage to go back to school after many years so we congratulate Lesa on her achievement.
David and Shirley Bowers hosted a post-baccalaureate party honoring Stephen Bowers. Family members present Saturday evening were Greg and Mary Beth Bowers, Rhonny and Luke, Janelle and Doug Paden, Matthew, Abigail, and Jonathan, Mary Lou and Rick Just and Kyle, and Bev and Kevin Jennison.
Shirley and David Bowers, Mary Lou Just, Bev and Kevin Jennison, and Janelle and Doug Paden and family went Sunday to Garnett to the graduation exercises for Kelli Bunnel at Anderson County High School and reception following.
David and Shirley Bowers and Lela and Carl Paden were Thursday evening supper guests of Doug and Janelle Paden and they attended the eighth grade promotion of Abigail Paden from Berean Academy.
Rosalene and Charles Stinchcomb attended Ryan Janzen's graduation exercises Sunday afternoon in Hillsboro at the high school and the reception following.
Greg and Mary Beth Bowers hosted a lunch buffet Sunday noon for about 70 friends honoring Stephen Bowers' graduation from high school. Out-of-town guests were Karen Kelly and David and his friend Morgan of Nixa, Mo., and Phyllis and Gene Dettmer of Kansas City. There was a reception at Eastmoor church Sunday morning honoring the high school graduates that attend the church. Stephen was the student from Youngtown who was honored.
Rosalie and Leonard Klassen were in Wichita Saturday for business and ate supper with Vickie and Marv Fisher, Ashley, Aaron, and Allegra. They had Sunday dinner at McGillicuddy's with Joyce and Richard Kellison.