

Youngtown correspondent

The big news is that it rained, and after three days and nights of mostly gentle rain, it stopped. Most people reported about five inches of rain in the Youngtown area. Gardens are good this year and flowers are beautiful. My roses are in full bloom again and some are better than in the spring.

Beth Collett hosted the Middle Creek birthday club coffee Thursday morning honoring Evelyn Matz on her birthday. Other guests were Janet Matz, Lorene Smith, and Sharon Matz and Maggie.

Howard and Beth Collett attended the wedding this past week of Ryan Collett and Jessica Miller at Old Mission Methodist Church in Kansas City. Howard and Beth, Collett and Rick Erickson, and Anne Collett, Hank, Lucy, and Caroline celebrated Keith Collett's birthday Sunday at Kingfisher's Inn. Visitors this past weekend at the Collett farm were Randy and Rachel Collett, Zack and Maggie.

Youngtown people attending the Heller-Higgins family reunion Sunday at Marion County Lake hall were David and Shirley Bowers, Greg and Mary Beth Bowers, Luke and Rhonny, Rosalene and Charles Stinchcomb, Howard and Beth Collett, and Keith and Anne Collett, Hank, Lucy, and Caroline.

Friday afternoon callers at the David Bowers home were cousins of David, Susan Broadhurst of Sedgwick and her brother, Dr. Richard Bowers of Lookout Mountain, Ga. They are the children of the late Dr. Eldon Bowers of Council Grove.

Cy Goertz is in St. Luke Hospital and is recovering and hoping to be home soon. Diana and Clink Jost and David Goertz of Nebraska have been visiting him this past week.

Georgene (Tajchman) Byram of Hayesville visited this past week with Dorothy Hayen. Noreen Weems and Lanelle Hett also visited Dorothy. Virginia Downing and John Hayen took Dorothy to Florence Sunday for dinner following church. It was great seeing Dorothy at church again.

I took Rose Olive Hett to dinner Sunday following church and drove her home.

Theron Nienstedt was home this past week helping with farm chores. Annette Nienstedt and Layne went by train Saturday morning to Ohio to visit Chantal Deyoe and family. Ken Nienstedt is helping Mike Gaschler get the Youngtown church building ready for Mike and Cindy's move. They hope to get moved this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cox from Newton called Sunday on Roseva McLinden.

Evelyn and Laverne Hodel of California and Alice Jost and Norma Clem stopped this week to see Leonard and Rosalie Klassen's new home. Leonard says they should be moving into it in approximately three weeks. Leonard and Merlie Friesen of Hillsboro and Richard and Wanda Harms of Newton ate Sunday dinner at McGillicuddy's with Leonard and Rosalie, then came to their home for visiting.
