

Youngtown correspondent

(620) 382-2713

Virginia Downing hosted Thanksgiving dinner Saturday in her home. Guests were Marilyn Geis, Max and Donna Hayen, Leon and Cate Hayen, Dorothy Hayen, John Hayen, Charles Montgomery, Gayle and Mike Thomas, Ryan Thomas, Whitney Wear, Tom and Patty Thomas, Joel Thomas, Megan O'Dell, and Leann Thomas. Dorothy Hayen enjoyed being with her family for a good visit.

Cy Goertz was moved from St. Luke Hospital Saturday for therapy at Marion Manor. I visited him in the hospital Monday and he said he felt fine but had difficulty walking.

Marj and Emily Johnson brought dinner to me yesterday and helped me find Christmas decorations I thought were lost in my move to town.

Kristine and Jeannine Bateman had Thanksgiving dinner in Newton with Daryl and Connie Skibbe, Eric and Christopher, and Alvina Skibbe. Kristine and Jeannie took the Marion home tour Thanksgiving weekend.

Ashley Fisher visited Rosalie and Leonard Klassen Sunday afternoon on her way to Hutchinson from Kansas City. Vernon and Rachel Friesen were visitors Sunday evening of the Klassens.

Teresa Linton, Ashley and Lacy of Phillipsburg, Paul and Kathy Swan, Tim and Becky Makovec, Morgan and Tyler, Justin and Katrina Griffin, Kandace and Kassidy, and Edmund Steiner were supper guests Saturday evening of Vicki Smolik.

Howard and Beth Collett attended the junior varsity wrestling tournament this weekend at Emporia and watched Hank Collett win all three of his matches.

Lorene Smith hosted a birthday coffee Saturday morning at Stone City for Janet Matz. Guests were Evelyn Matz, Sharon Matz and Jacob, Marie Navrat, and Beth Collett.

Eileen and Skip Sieger returned from Champaign, Ill., on Monday where they spent Thanksgiving with Chris and Lesley Allen. Eileen attended the hospital auxiliary meeting Thursday morning.

Shirley and David Bowers visited Saturday with Bev, Kevin, and Cheryl Jennison at Stillwell. The Bowers, Howard and Beth Collett, Margie and John Talbert, Anita and Kenneth Sly, Clarice and Bill Hammer, Roma and Bill Skaggs, Stacy and Carla Collett, and Steve Collett had Christmas dinner Saturday at Emporia. Shirley Bowers visited Ruth (Kaniper) Lewis Saturday at her apartment and Donna Kaniper at Emporia. Shirley Bowers and Dorothy Conyers attended the 40th wedding anniversary open house Sunday afternoon for Jerry and Barbara (Helmer) Bessel at Mentor.
