Your Turn

— Comments may be sent to the Marion County Record, PO Box 278, Marion, e-mailed to, or brought to the office at 117 S. Third St. Please keep comments brief.

For clarification: The police chief was hired at $36,000 even though the ad for the job said $41,000. After proving himself he was bumped up to the $41,000 which was budgeted in the first place.


Fairness and balance? Our chief of police is now receiving the compensation budgeted for that position. He was hired at $36,000 with the understanding his pay would be evaluated when he had his performance review. Our law enforcement officer didn't get hired at $48,000 like our ED did. She may be dodging bullets from the public and council, but our chief of police gets to dodge REAL bullets. Where's the fairness? Where's the balance?


Economic development in Marion is important. The city fathers should not give away their power to the mob. Any contract with strong-arm tactics would only undermine the council. The management of development should stay with the council, that's why they were elected. Don't sell out.


Seems each progressive project here has a vocal group against it. The naysayers are different folks each time. It limits what gets done. If you'd each support each other's projects it would be amazing what progress we would have.
