Your Turn
— Comments may be sent to the Marion County Record, PO Box 278, Marion, e-mailed to, or brought to the office at 117 S. Third St. Please keep comments brief.
I read with interest in the Your Turn column last week regarding the county zoning administrator is a stickler to follow the rules and states that there is no ordinance against an electric fence in town. There is an ordinance that does not allow for an electric fence in Marion. It is Ordinance Number 1086. Stop by the city offices and check it out.
To our elected officials: Nothing is more threatening to our children's freedom than the growing national debt which as of Feb. 25 was $9,315,527,047,946.48. There is no threat to our freedom greater than the shattering of our economic base. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "I place economy among the first and most important virtues and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared
How refreshing it was to see USD 408 superintendent of schools Lee Leiker in the student section of the Marion-Hillsboro basketball game Feb. 26.
The Marion County Lake hall was built with taxpayers' money to be used by the taxpayers, not as a profit-making operation for a private individual.
We have two good county commissioners and one smoking gun. Hopefully, they will all three get their heads on straight about the lake hall. They need to check back to the time it was built with county funds and what purpose it served. The community needs a gathering place. Please don't make it commercial.
How is it that the county commission can give a nod to make a public building that taxpayers had paid for into a privately-owned café? Don't we, as taxpayers, have anything to say about this matter?
There is a group of people who would like to start a full-time business in the county commission room at the courthouse. It's a perfect location — centrally located, nice building, and right now it's only being used one day a week.
Maybe the county commission should open a truck parking lot on the courthouse lawn.
I think everyone should contact the county commissioner who represents their district and let them know how you feel about leasing the lake hall.
I am opposed to the county leasing the lake hall to an individual for his profit. If the developer wants to get into the café business, he should do it on his own property and not on county property. The hall was built for the public good and it should remain that way.
I have heard a rumor that Obama doesn't salute the American flag. Is this true? Maybe someone will enlighten me about this.