Your Turn

— Comments may be sent to the Marion County Record, PO Box 278, Marion, e-mailed to, or brought to the office at 117 S. Third St. Please keep comments brief.

This year's celebration in Marion was fantastic! Grand Funk was AWESOME and I am glad that Gene was honored with his picture on the buttons. Gene has done a lot for the community. Thanks Marion for a great time.


Maricopa County (Ariz.) Sheriff Joe Arpaio has established a tent city for criminals. He feeds them 2,500 calories per day — simple foods. Everything is pink — uniforms and underwear. It is hot, but then our military has stayed in tents in hot and cold weather. Our criminals should be treated to Sheriff Arpaio's hotel. I bet they wouldn't want to do any more time after that. America needs to get tough on criminals. Maybe then they would see that crime does not pay.


Perhaps Marion missed out on a perfect "teaching moment" when the police allowed an intoxicated 15-year-old to leave the park Saturday evening with family members. This might have been one of the best opportunities to teach the young community members the dangers of underage drinking by following through with more severe consequences. What has this taught others? That it is OK to drink illegally because one of the consequences is to be led home by family? Or does that remind us that small-town politics continue in Marion? If we are ever to put a small dent in underage drinking and drug use, the time to start is NOW!
