• Family Dollar decides to leave; mad dash for bargains begins

    Shoppers jammed Family Dollar / Dollar Tree stores Tuesday in Marion and Peabody, searching for bargains of up to 50% off after the chain announced last week that it would close the stores along with one in Herington. The stores, scheduled to close within the next four weeks, are among 1,000 being closed nationwide. A complete list of stores is not yet available, however. Announcement is in the wake of a fourth-quarter corporate loss of $1.71 billion.

  • 1 in 4 reject frontrunners, but just 10% vote

    A presidential primary election that cost an estimated $20,000 to $30,000 brought out only 567 voters Tuesday. Early and mail-in voters added 248 to that number. Overall turnout was just 10%, and in both parties, nearly a quarter of votes expressed a preference for someone other than the presumptive party nominee. According to poll workers bringing ballots to the courthouse, turnout was disappointing.

  • Hillsboro approves container homes

    In coming months, Hillsboro could add as many as two single and four duplex homes made from shipping containers on the north side of 3rd St. and 12 additional duplexes south of Dollar General. Housing for 34 families is planned by two companies. All are planned to be affordable homes designed for working families.

  • Arson charges filed in hay fires

    Two hay bale fires in the early morning of Oct. 30 — one at 180th and Remington Rds. and the other on 190th Rd. between Quail Creek and Pawnee Rds. — are the basis of charges newly filed against a Marion man. William T. Ledford, 34, formally was charged last week with two counts of arson, a fraudulent insurance act, making false information, interference with law enforcement, impairing a security interest, and endangerment.

  • Legislator targets taxes, education in report to Patriots

    Taxes and public schools were in the crosshairs Sunday when State Rep. Scott Hill reported at the county lake hall to 33 members of the fundamentalist conservative group Patriots for Liberty of Marion County. Complaining that Kansas has the nation’s third highest number of public employees per resident, Hill warned that those who decide how to spend taxpayer money must develop courage to suggest cuts, even in programs that seem popular.


  • Record wins inaugural prize named for Nobel laureate

    A second major award in four days was bestowed last week on the Marion County Record when it was honored in suburban Washington, D.C., as winner of the inaugural Maria Ressa Prize for Courage in Local or Independent Journalism. Editor and publisher Eric Meyer accepted the award in a ceremony sponsored by the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.

  • Ampride ice, water building taking shape

    Workers began construction last week of a small building that will house water and ice dispensing machines at the site of Marion’s former Ampride convenience store. When Ampride closed last summer, company officials promised not to leave Marion residents with only card-operated gasoline pumps.

  • Sports complex work still on target

    Walls of a building that will house pickleball courts during the school year and a weight room during summer months as well as locker rooms, a concession area, and space for meetings, workshops, and events such as family reunions, are going up south of Marion’s football stadium. The ongoing construction is part of a $3.26 million project that also includes new lighting for baseball and softball diamonds. Voters approved issuing bonds to pay for the project after a previous bond to build the district’s Performing Arts Center and Sports and Aquatics Center was nearly paid off.

  • Drama students to present classic novel

    Hillsboro High School will bring Jane Austen’s classic novel “Pride and Prejudice” to life at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the school auditorium. A romantic comedy set in the early 1800s in England, the story follows the romance of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.




  • Prevention, speed of treatment are key for strokes

    Speed is essential in treatment of a stroke. So is prevention. The three most common types of stroke are transient ischemic attacks, sometimes called mini-strokes; hemorrhagic strokes, caused by bleeding in the brain; and ischemic strokes, caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain and accounting for about 87% of strokes. Hemorrhagic strokes are the most likely strokes to be fatal.

  • CDC's tips on avoiding stroke

    Get regular physical activity. Don’t smoke.

  • Blood drive set

    A blood drive is planned for 1 to 6 p.m. April 8 at Goessel Church, 109 S. Church St. Appointments may be scheduled online at redcrossblood.org. Donors who register online can get a $10 gift card.




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