• Last modified 425 days ago (Aug. 23, 2023)


Aug. 28, 1913

Marion County Old Settlers’ Association will have its second annual picnic Sept. 11 at Central Park, Marion.

Orator John Madden, a Marion County boy, has promised to be with us and will be able to tell us some interesting things about his boyhood days on Doyle Creek in the ’60s, besides other things of interest.

We expect other prominent speakers to be present, perhaps ex-Gov. Crawford, Frank Doster, and others.

Quite a little thieving has been going on in town recently, and the fellow who is doing it is going to have all the trouble he wants mighty soon if he doesn’t quit it. Folks have got him spotted.

The people who asked the Record to publish this notice mean just what they say.

Owners of threshing engines will please take notice that hereafter engines passing over paved streets in Marion must run on 2x12-inch planks. — Charles Kleinhammer, city commissioner.

The Rock Island is going to run a special train to Glasgow, Montana, on account of the opening of the Peck Indian Reservation. This train will leave Marion at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 9 and arrive at Glasgow at 10 a.m. Sept. 11. Fare round trip, $39.30.

Last modified Aug. 23, 2023