• Last modified 260 days ago (Feb. 1, 2024)


FEB. 5, 1914

The local Elks have rented the J.N. Rogers residence for a clubhouse and are fitting up the first floor in nice shape for the purpose. A number of young men will live in the upstairs rooms.

For the first time in 13 years, Ignace Paderewski, the world’s great pianist, is to play in Wichita. The concert will be given in the Forum, probably the only building in the state capable of accommodating the crowds. Special trains will be run into Wichita from all directions.

Errett Phillips, a student of pharmacy at Wichita, took his final examinations a week or two ago, being one of five from the class of 17 who passed. He will take a Kansas board examination next week.

Mrs. O.M. Peoples was quite severely bruised last Sunday night as the result of an accident that might easily have done more serious injury.

While she and the Rev. Peoples were driving home from Aulne, their horse became unruly — being crowded by two autos — and wheeled, overturning the buggy.

Mr. Peoples was thrown clear of the buggy, but Mrs. Peoples was caught beneath and dragged across the road. The buggy then righted itself, and she was released.

Mrs. Peoples was unconscious until nearly noon the following day. She was badly bruised around the arms and shoulders, but it is believed that she suffered no permanent injury.

Last modified Feb. 1, 2024