• Last modified 306 days ago (April 11, 2024)


april 16, 1914

Work done by high school students in the domestic science and manual training departments will be exhibited for the public tomorrow and Saturday at the Masonic building.

The big engine at the power plant has been put in shape and is in use again.

School kids will gather Friday for county athletic and literary contests. The athletic events will begin at the athletic grounds at 1:30. Burns will have seven athletes entered; Florence, 10; Peabody, 11; Lost Springs, 8; and Marion, 14. The literary contests will be in the evening at the auditorium and will consist of declamations and orations.

From Women’s Corner by Mrs. Homer Hoch:

Potato-beet salad

Three large, boiled potatoes; three small, boiled beets; one large onion; three hard-boiled eggs; and one large dill pickle. All diced. Serve with mayonnaise dressing on lettuce leaves.

Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Hoch, Edna Hoch, Roscoe King, and Wallis Hoch heard “The Messiah” last Sunday in Lindsborg, making the trip by auto.

Mrs. John Sievers came from Bison last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gus Schmersey, and is now looking after the little grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Schmersey on Friday.

Last modified April 11, 2024