• Last modified 184 days ago (Aug. 8, 2024)


aug. 20, 1914

Two young men working on the new church at Pilsen were killed yesterday afternoon by a falling derrick.

A number of parts of the county got good rains the latter part of last week. The southern part of the county got from two to four inches. In parts of the county, it is very dry. Corn is being cut in the eastern part of the county.

How long does a fly live when it leads a regular life and lives to a ripe old age? Some Main St. philosophers were discussing the question this morning, and several of them claimed that a fly lives only 36 hours.

Where will you find a finer scene than the park and bridge environs these evenings? The ornamental lights on the bridge, the brick pillars surmounted by glowing globes, the fountain, the flower beds, the bridge, the great trees, the drinking fountain, the view of the paved streets winding up the hills, the lights through the park — you can’t beat it in Kansas.

A.E. Case has received a photograph of Mrs. M.J. Sharon, who was county superintendent here 40 years ago, and he will have an enlarged copy made and hung with the other pictures in the courthouse collection. Mrs. Sharon lives in the Yukon.

All children interested in bird study will meet at the park next Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock.

Last modified Aug. 8, 2024