• Last modified 107 days ago (Nov. 26, 2024)


dec. 5, 1879

A lot of light fantastic folks warmed Will Bates’s new house last Saturday night.

Jas. Moreland already has found it necessary to enlarge his livery stable to take care of increasing trade.

Freeborn’s well drilling machine has been busy for a week or so drilling a well for the Chapman brothers.

The post office is being enlarged by an addition in the rear.

The two spruce young men who opened a mercantile establishment in Widmeyer’s building last week didn’t hold out long. After a few days experience, they sold their stock to Salisbury and shook the dust of Marion Centre from their brogans.

We understand that Mr. Sparrow, the brick maker who is also a brick layer, intends to erect one or two brick houses next spring. We should like to see some brick houses in Marion Centre and hope that Mr. Sparrow will give the brick boom a boom of that kind.

We are glad to announce that the requisite amount of money has been raised for the completion of the Presbyterian church. It is surprising how easily $5,000 or $6,000 can be raised in Marion Centre for a worthy cause.

Last modified Nov. 26, 2024