145 years ago
Feb. 27, 1880
In addition to the new Greenback paper, soon to be started in Marion Centre, we learn that Mr. Von Laugen will in a few weeks commence the publication of a German paper here.
Washington’s birthday was not very extensively observed in Marion Centre.
The reason Dr. Rogers puts the fire end of his cigar in his mouth now and attempts to comb his head with his toothpick so often is easily explained. He is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy. That accounts for the doctor’s strange freaks.
Mr. Wand is evidently preparing for a nice sidewalk judging by the fine flagstone accumulating in front of his residence.
The little 2-year-old child of Mr. Waterman of Clear Creek, was impaled on the horns of a vicious cow last Monday and tossed over the animal’s back. The brute’s horn entered under the child’s chin, into the mouth, producing a painful wound.
Many farmers have been approving the opportunity offered by the fine weather for plowing and planting purposes.
Last modified Feb. 20, 2025