• Last modified 142 days ago (Sept. 26, 2024)


sept. 30, 2009

Teamwork was the theme of this year’s Old Settlers Day parade, and it was necessary to win a three-legged race later in Central Park.

Grace Hett, daughter of Dave and Diane Hett, and Jack Lanning, son of Gene and Tracy Lanning, are pictured showing that teamwork was needed to win races during the games in the park.

Beth Riffel of Tampa entered the Kansas Beef Council’s “What’s for dinner?” cook-off for the first time this year and took fourth place with her variation of a recipe for beef orzo salad.

Marion High School homecoming queen Julia Zeiner is pictured as she crowns homecoming king Brian Fruechting during halftime at Friday’s game against Sterling.

An article by Rowena Plett tells the history of the Harry Walter Rhodes family and the ranch that has dominated an area along K-15 in northern Marion County for many years.

Benny and Sheryl Kay opened Key Convenience on Sept. 19 in the former Chipped Cup Café building on Lincolnville Ave. and US-56/77 at Lincolnville. The business is geared toward serving local residents as well as travelers on US-56/77.

Last modified Sept. 26, 2024