45 years ago
FEB. 14, TTTTt1979
Marvin Cathough of William Givens Construction Co. of Phillipsburg told Marion city commissioners Monday afternoon that his firm would proceed with final construction of a local flood protection project next Monday. Completion of the project is scheduled by Sept. 22.
The Red Cross Bloodmobile awarded one-gallon donor pins to Ruth Lange, Shirley Bowers, and Margaret Tice during its Feb. 7 visit to Marion.
Debbie Kreutzman and Kevin Schmidt are pictured with a forlorn “snow victim” they helped build. The fully clothed “man” with arms outstretched is lying flat on his back on a snow pile. They enjoyed many laughs from passers-by who thought the dummy was a real person.
King Doug Heerey is pictured as he crowned Annette Nienstedt queen of the courts Friday night between the varsity and B-team games with Chase County. Varsity defeated Chase County, 80-51, and the B team won its game, 69-58.
City employees had a surprise retirement party Friday for former Police Chief Lyle Sanders in the commissioner’s room at City Hall.
Last modified Feb. 8, 2024