• Last modified 310 days ago (April 11, 2024)


april 18, 1979

Marion National Bank president Matthew Classen presented plans Monday at a regular meeting of the Marion City Commission for a new bank building that will include an area just east of the current building.

Vandals have broken the top off a Colorado spruce planted two years ago in Central Park in memory of R.R. Melton. The Marion physician’s widow, Phyllis, is pictured looking at the damaged tree.

Edith White, subject of this week’s “Personality Profile,” calls her kitchen her most important work area. Chicken is a big thing at Town and Country Café in Florence. Edith purchased the business in 1966 and has fried about 40 chickens twice a week since then.

City and county law officers used their vehicles to herd loose animals back to their pens this week.

First, it was bison. Six broke out of a pen on the Roy Hett farm northeast of Marion and were herded west from near the US-56 and K-150 junction before being turned back east to their pen at the Hett farm.

Then that afternoon 15 head of cattle broke out of a pen at the Bob Ehrlich farm at the north end of Cedar St. They were herded back to the farm, again by vehicles.

Last modified April 11, 2024