• Last modified 18 days ago (Jan. 23, 2025)


jan. 30, 1980

Sponsored by Marion Chamber of Commerce, the second annual Groundhog Day on Feb. 2 will feature in-store clearance sales and the crowning of a second groundhog queen.

Last year’s judges unanimously awarded the “crown of groundhog” to queen candidate Jeff Brewer.

Martin Tice has joined the sales staff of the Real Estate Center and will represent that firm in the Marion area.

Timothy Newfield was convicted Thursday of second-degree murder, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated burglary, and aggravated robbery in the July shotgun slaying of Grant Avery, 25-year-old Peabody State Bank teller. Sentencing is scheduled Feb. 29 in Marion County District Court.

Friends in Marion were pleased this week to read rave reviews in New York newspapers about the debut of Beverly Hoch after her appearance there Jan. 22. A coloratura soprano, she has signed a contract with the St. Louis opera company and will appear there during the coming season.

The old iron Creamery Bridge on 4th St. was ruined beyond reasonable repair several months ago when a heavy grain truck broke through the weakened structure. The city has decided it will build a fill over a four-foot steel tube as replacement for the bridge.

Last modified Jan. 23, 2025