A tale of Puss
and firemen’s boots
Staff writer
A cat that found its way onto a neighbor’s roof Thursday and wouldn’t come down had to be rescued by Marion firefighters.
Fire Chief Chris Killough called for volunteers and drove a pumper truck to 12 Lakeshore Dr. to rescue the cat.
Firefighter James Deacon went with Killough.
Killough had been notified that a lady was “bugging the stew” out of the sheriff over the cat on the roof.
“It was a neighbor’s cat,” Killough said. “We chased him out of there. We took a fire truck out there in case we needed a ladder.”
The house is listed on appraiser’s records as belonging to Douglas and Susan Van Driel of Derby.
Killough said he understood the complaining neighbor’s being worried about their pet.
The incident was not the weirdest call the fire department has received, he said. That one was a call to a wreck several years ago. When firefighters arrived, they found a car at the scene but no occupants.
It turned out that teens were driving a car that belonged to someone’s mother and had fled in fear of getting in trouble.
“If it was my mom, I would have gotten in more trouble for running,” he said.