• Last modified 38 days ago (Jan. 8, 2025)



These accident reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:


Indigo Rd. south of 130th Rd.

Robert A. Malone, 33, Hillsboro, hit a deer at 7:30 a.m. Dec. 27 with his 2002 Chevrolet Camero.

The car sustained damage characterized as minor to its right front, according to one of two accident reports released Dec. 31.

Despite a long-standing request that accident reports be released each Monday, as is done by Marion and Hillsboro police, the sheriff’s department provided no additional accident reports after Dec. 31.

Sunflower and 160th Rds.

Robin E. Davies, 65, Marion, hit a deer at 7:35 a.m. Dec. 31 with her 2013 Ford Edge, according to the second of the two reports.

The car remained drivable with damage to its front, left, hood, and undercarriage.


Bomgaars parking lot

Janet L. Williams, 66, Hillsboro, misjudged a turn at 3:03 p.m. Dec. 30 and hit a legally parked 2017 Nissan Rouge owned by Diana S. Sheppard of Lyons.

The right front fender of Williams’ 2012 Hyundai Tucson and the left side of Sheppard’s Nissan were damaged.

The accident was witnessed by a Lehigh resident.

Ash St. and Orchard Dr.

While slowing to turn left during freezing rain at 6:37 p.m. Saturday, Benjamin W. Reimer, 28, Hillsboro, slid his 2015 Chevrolet Equinox into a stop sign to the right of where he was going.

The Chevy, owned by Lucille J. Reimer of the same address, sustained damage characterized as minor to its right front.


200 block of N. 3rd St.

A hit-and-run driver clipped the rear of a 2021 Chevrolet Colorado legally parked Dec. 26 outside Marion Community Center.

The truck, owned by Ronald W. Woerz of Marion County Lake, was parked diagonally around 5 a.m. Damage, characterized as minor, was noticed at 3 p.m.

County transfer station

Karyn S. Peterson, 80, Marion County Lake, may have accidentally hit her accelerator instead of her brake while dropping off trash at 8:40 a.m. Dec. 30.

Airbags deployed when her 2020 Ford Escape went off the road to the left and hit a curb. The sport-utility vehicle sustained additional damage to its front and undercarriage and was towed.

Officer Kaylan Miles’s report blamed the accident on inattentive driving. No tickets were issued.

100 block of N. 3rd St.

Attempting to slow for a stop sign in icy weather at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Ivan E. Greuter, 52, Topeka, slid his 2016 Dodge Caravan into a legally parked 2024 Kia Telluride owned by Zachary L. Owens of Leon.

Damage to the right front of the Dodge and the rear of the diagonally parked Kia was characterized as minor.

Last modified Jan. 8, 2025