• Last modified 32 days ago (Sept. 5, 2024)



To the editor:

After attending the Aug. 19 Marion City Council meeting and watching the shouting displayed by one council member and others involved towards the editor of the Marion County Record after adjournment of the meeting, I felt compelled to address the issue in some way.

Rather than using public forum at the next meeting and possibly getting shot down — as seems to be the way of action for not hearing what one doesn’t want to hear — I once again decided to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper.

When driving through Marion, I have seen various locations where the sign “Marion Stronger Together” is posted.

If that were truly the goal in Marion, it would have to start at the top, with Marion’s governing body showing civility towards the citizenry of Marion. Remember: City council members are elected to represent each and every citizen in Marion.

Although there may be differences of opinion on reporting done by the Record, it is reporting that must be done as an avenue to inform the people. Otherwise, it would give the appearance of concealment if hindered by the city council.

Marion’s businesses are not supported by Marion’s residents only. They are supported by many residents within the county. What would happen if many of these residents decided to do their shopping elsewhere simply because of the childish bickering in Marion?

“Marion Stronger Together” sounds great if there is the participation of everyone doing their part.

“Silence is golden” sounds great, too, but is it really? While the majority enjoys silence, its rights are being taken away.

How many attend city council meetings? How many are afraid to voice their opinions publicly?

Perhaps Marion will once again be a place we can all be proud to call home, as I remember it when growing up.

Arlene Stika

Last modified Sept. 5, 2024