• Last modified 0 days ago (March 19, 2025)


Commissioners talk trash

Staff writer

Commissioners talked trash Monday about trash blowing out of the county transfer station.

Commissioner Mike Beneke said the station looked like a mess. He’d seen a lot of trash that had blown out of the station to the north and south sides of the building.

Commission chairman Jonah Gehring said he could understand how recent high winds could blow trash.

County administrator Tina Spencer spoke to transfer station staff during a break in the meeting and told commissioners the trash would be cleaned up Tuesday.

In another matter, commissioner Clarke Dirks said he was concerned about Sunflower Wind Farm’s plan to replace a turbine blade that had been struck by lightning.

The blades are composed of toxic substances that could contaminate the county, he said.

Spencer said she would check Sunflower Wind’s process for blade replacement.

A lawyer hired by the county’s insurance company gave commissioners updates Monday on active lawsuits against the county.

Jeff Kohlman was hired by the company that represents the county in five suits that arose from the Aug. 11, 2023, raid on the Marion County Record, the home of publisher Eric Meyer, and the home of Marion city council member Ruth Herbel.

He spent 20 minutes behind closed doors with commissioners.

The only announcement regarding the purpose of the discussion was “matters deemed privileged under attorney/client privilege.”

Commissioners also met behind closed doors with lawyer Samantha Angell, who also represents the county in an active lawsuit, and conducted four executive sessions to discuss employee evaluations.

Last modified March 19, 2025