• Last modified 83 days ago (Nov. 14, 2024)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records.

Justin and Ellen Cooke to Dale and Lori Schafer, 37.8 acres west of Holly Rd. between 70th and 80th Rds.

Celeste L. Fitzmaurice to Jena R. Marshall, a lot northeast of Scott St. and Winfield Ave., Burns.

Willis D. and Ruth Ann Penner Revocable Trust to William Boucher, trustee deed to 314 S. Wilson St., Hillsboro.

TMR Properties to Trustee of the Thayne W. Meier Revocable Trust, transfer-on-death warranty deed to 408 W. Grand Ave., Hillsboro.

Gayland Martins to K-Bar Oil LLC, 236.83 acres north of 310th Rd. between Bison and Chisholm Trail Rds.

Phyllis I. Turk to Gary B. Turk, transfer-on-death warranty deed to 2756 Robin St., Pilsen.

Grant Lewis and Dava S. Ray Good to Ryan and Jamie Peters, 1712 Eagle Rd. along with 39.63 acres.

Debra L. Schlender to MiddleCreek Corporation, 125 E. 9th St., Peabody.

Chris and Dorcas Calvert, managers, Janine Allen, doing business as They Calvert Family Partnership to Timothy and Amy Summerville, 140.33 acres southwest of 160th and Timber Rds.

Chris and Dorcas Calvert, managers, Janine Allen, and doing business as The Calvert Family Partnership, to Wiebe Family Farms LLC, 239.34 acres east of Sunflower Rd. between 160th and 170th Rds.

Carolie D. Hamlet to Carolie D. Hamlet and Arlen D. Barham, 1007 Marion St., Florence.

Bradley O. Yazel to Douglas K. and Susan L. Van Driel, 12 Lakeshore Dr., Marion County Park and Lake.

Last modified Nov. 14, 2024