Happy Hustlers
Evelyn Baxa explained how to make banana bread, and Clayton Thomas talked about how to prepare for showing cattle when Happy Hustlers 4-H Club met Jan. 13 at Marion County Lake Hall.
Ten members, two leaders, and six parents answered roll call by naming a place they would like to visit.
Evelyn led singing of “Tiny Tim” and “Happy Birthday,” and Clayton explained how to second a motion.
Leaders reminded members to pay their $5 dues and that 4-H Club Day would be Feb. 8 at Tabor College.
A game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag” was led by Antonia Baxa. Refreshments were served by the Kirkham and Witty families.
The club next will meet at 7 p.m. Feb. 3 in the lake hall.
— Sophie Baxa, reporter