• Last modified 0 days ago (Oct. 9, 2024)


Lose Constitution?

To the editor:

As the 2024 presidential election heats up, every day more wild and crazy things are being said.

One of them, repeated as early as 2022 for the third time, was when Donald Trump declared that when he was installed as the next president, he would “terminate the Constitution” or, at least, set it aside.

One person, one president, can’t do that. He can ignore the Constitution, but the only way the Constitution works is if we all agree on following it.

We might interpret it different ways, but we all agree on it. If Donald Trump ignores it, he can do whatever he wants, and this country will become a dictatorship. In his own words, he said he “will be a dictator on Day 1.”

Let’s see what that would actually look like. Let’s say you vote for Donald Trump. He gets inaugurated. And he ignores the Constitution. That means all our rights in the Bill of Rights are out the window.

First Amendment freedom of speech: gone. Freedom of religion: gone. Freedom of the press: gone. They could raid any newspaper office like the Marion County Record and get away with it.

Thank God there still are courts to hold people accountable. But they won’t if the Constitution disappears.

Let’s go on to the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms: gone. Yup, you no longer have the right to own any guns.

That means Trump’s government could actually come and take away your guns. Have you ever thought of that one?

Everybody screams about the Democrats wanting to take away your guns, but gun owners Kamala Harris and Tim Walz repeatedly say they won’t do that. Trump just might.

You can vote for whomever you want. Just make sure you are clear and know what that means.

Brian Stucky

Last modified Oct. 9, 2024