• Last modified 107 days ago (Oct. 31, 2024)



More than Kapaun

To the editor:

I appreciated your article two weeks ago about the 150th celebration of Pilsen.

While Father Kapaun is an important and significant connection to the Pilsen community, this particular celebration was for the founding of the community itself.

I would like to have seen it expand just a little more on the little town.

It was a great opportunity for many family and friends of the founding families and those of us that grew up there to get together and be able to reconnect.

One of the significant things in the parade was the replica of the first food store in Pilsen.

The Bohemian tractor pull was a new treat for this part of the country — a first in Kansas. There was rope making, old-fashioned corn shucking and old-time gunny sack races, a whole lot of “Oh, my gosh, I haven’t seen you in…,” and of course, more than 1,000 kolaches made and sold out.

Capping off with a Polka dance that is just synonymous with Pilsen.

I would like to congratulate and extend a big thanks to the group of volunteers who worked hard and with love to plan this celebration and the many volunteers that made it work. It was a really amazing day.

Roberta McGlachlin

Last modified Oct. 31, 2024