• Last modified 328 days ago (March 27, 2024)


Pilot makes emergency landing on county road

Staff writer

A Sabetha pilot whose plane developed engine trouble over western Marion County made an emergency landing Thursday on a county road near Tampa.

Aircraft mechanic Jim Braden said Tim Krehbiel’s plane was running rough because of a problem with rocker arms, so he landed in the road until he could get help.

Krehbiel contacted a friend in the Sabetha area. The friend drove a tow truck to the scene. The plane was loaded onto the truck and taken to Hillsboro’s airport via back roads to avoid traffic problems, Braden said.

Braden made arrangements with Hillsboro city administrator Matt Stiles to put Krehbiel’s plane in an unused hangar long enough to fix the problem.

After Braden made repairs, Krehbiel flew the plane to El Dorado to have it inspected, as is required after a plane develops problems.

Getting the plane back in the air took about an hour, Braden said.

“He just recently got his license, and to pull off a landing like that is very commendable,” Braden said.

Last modified March 27, 2024