• Last modified 108 days ago (Oct. 30, 2024)



Menus subject to change. Milk available with all meals.


Reservations accepted at (620) 947-2304.

Thursday — Chili, coleslaw, grapes, cinnamon roll.

Friday — Beef taco with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cheese; corn salad; garlic bread sticks; brownie.

Monday — Ham and beans, coleslaw, applesauce, cornbread, brownie.

Tuesday — Spaghetti with meat sauce, peas and carrots, tossed salad, peach crisp, garlic bread.

Nov. 6 — Breaded pork chop, yams, cauliflower, ambrosia, roll.

Nov. 7 — Herb baked chicken, au gratin potatoes, buttered carrots, lime-sprinkled pears, roll.


Reservations accepted at (620) 382-2942.

Thursday — Chili, coleslaw, grape, cinnamon roll.

Friday — Meatloaf, au gratin potatoes, broccoli, fruit, whole-wheat bread.

Monday — Hamburgers on bun with lettuce and tomato, potato salad, fruit.

Tuesday — Spaghetti with meat sauce, peas and carrots, tossed salad with dressing, peach crisp, garlic bread.

Nov. 6 — Smothered pork chops, yams, cauliflower, ambrosia, whole-wheat roll.

Nov. 7 — Barbecue chicken breast, au gratin potatoes, buttered carrots, lime-sprinkled pears, whole-wheat roll.


Reservations accepted at (620) 983-2226.

Thursday — Chili, coleslaw, grapes, cinnamon roll.

Friday — Bierock, potato wedges, bean salad, pudding.

Monday — Ham and beans, cornbread, coleslaw, applesauce, brownie.

Tuesday — Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad with dressing, peach crisp, garlic bread.

Nov. 6 — Breaded pork cutlet, yams, cauliflower, ambrosia, wheat roll.

Nov. 7 — Baked steak, potatoes, buttered carrots, lime-sprinkled pears, hot roll.

Last modified Oct. 30, 2024